will uncle tully's funland come to xbox?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by BigMoneyBill, April 13, 2011.

  1. BigMoneyBill

    BigMoneyBill New Member

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    im realy hoping uncle tullys funland comes to the xbox along with other updates, I love mnc so much and the new map looks fun as hell.
    Since my computer is crap :( im not able to enjoy the pc version and all the amazing stuff that comes with it, i hope to see some of the additions you made with the pc version come to the xbox at some point in time if it is possible. Thanks :D
  2. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I say yes.
  3. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    My hopes are high Uber will do what Valve did not. But I dont see the updeats in the near future.
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Coming soon...

    Did I miss something?
  5. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    to a PC near you
  6. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    If it were PC exclusive, Uber would have told us.

    Geez, am I the only optimist left on these forums?
  7. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    From Twitter:

    They have told us.
    Last edited: April 13, 2011
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Haha yep. That's how it went down.
  9. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I updated the banner to be more specific. It will be on Steam first.
  10. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Will it come to the 360 at all?
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    They have already said they have two DLC's planned for the XBox. So I guess it's safe to say, Yes.
  12. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    They had multiple updates within the first 4 months of launch. Now it has been more than 5 months since the last DLC.

    People have a valid reason to be worried. AND people have a valid reason to assume that just because they said there would be two DLCs a while ago, it doesn't mean that is still the plan.

    And even if they do come out with maps, updates, and/or balance changes sometime, it won't do much for the game if they come out after everyone has moved on.

    This is one of my most favorite games of all times and it has RUINED other shooters for me. I literally can not play other shooters without comparing them to this game, at which point I realize I really just want to play MNC. Then I play MNC, and its an imbalanced, stale, shell of a game I used to play. Constant spawn killing and uneven teams have completely sucked the fun out of it. Then I look at the PC version and see what it could be and it makes it even worse.

    They NEED to update this soon to keep the community from dying off completely.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See the thing is Uber wasn't 100% sure how Microsoft's patching system worked and when the released Spunky they also tweaked the maps already in the game. To do that they basically had to add the 4 maps all over again. So that means, technically, everyone has 9 maps. The 4 original, 4 four original modified and Spunky.

    Now Microsoft has a policy of only allowing patches to be 4mb, and this includes all of the patches for a game. Games that have had multiple patches no matter what across all update the can't be no larger then 4mb. Sadly Uber has done this with their last patch.

    Now if they want to release anything else for the game Microsoft will charge them as well as charge us.

    While the doubt may be reasonable so is the reason behind the Xbox not getting any updates since December.
  14. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    ^ What he said! ^

    All us original 360 marks , We love this game , but its not loving us back , maybe its time to move on.... :?
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I completely get why it hasn't been updated. I'm not even putting all, or even the majority of, the blame on Uber. Its a total mess on both sides.

    Doesn't change the fact that something needs to be done. They really need to announce a timeframe. Nothing good comes from keeping your players in the dark.

    Nothing good.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can tell you this: We will not get a timeframe until the release date is set in stone. Case in point Spunky Cola Special. They kept saying it's coming, it's coming. When it didn't come many people were pissed off claiming Uber has lied to us when in fact Microsoft lied to Uber.

    Guess when the date for Spunky was official? A week before it came out and even then Microsoft didn't tell Uber everything. Uber was under the impression that that once you loaded up the game and got prompted for the Update that Spunky will be in there as well. guess what people were complaining that it didn't come with it. Well guess what you had to go to the dashboard and find it then download it.

    I am sure both parties are trying to find an even medium of how big, price and date and while this is all happening I am sure they are hard at work getting the DLC ready.
  17. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Why couldn't it be a "soft" timeframe?

    If Uber were careful and detailed with their wording, they could make it obvious the timeframe was very "soft" (could change at any time).

    Again, something is better than nothing in a constantly changing and evolving industry like the video game one.
  18. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    If they could just tell us what quarter we might expect it in I'd be happy. Even if they just said Q4 2013 then I at least know what to expect and anything sooner would be a bonus.

    I come from a pretty big MMO background gaming-wise and communication is the key here. Even if they just posted hey we're working on the DLC stuff, talking to microsoft, got this feature done this week, had a meeting to talk about adding more taunts, or just said hi....a post addressing the community each week, would probably go a long way towards closing the gap. I know they're busy and all, but this would probably solve more problems than it would create.

    Check out the Darkfall online blog for an example of what I mean http://www.darkfallonline.com/blog/. They post like every Friday about what's going on. I know this isn't an MMO, but I believe they could take a lesson from that genre of games.

    Edit: sometimes they do post stuff like I mentioned like when they posted about talking to Microsoft in the last month or two, but it always winds up buried in the forums somewhere.
  19. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I'm sorry, you were saying? ;)
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The map itself isn't PC exclusive, just the "Coming Soon" part is.

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