Will there be transport carriers

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by connerj15, May 20, 2013.

  1. connerj15

    connerj15 New Member

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    When your on a huge planet you don't want to have to wait for your units to move across planets so that's why we need some sort of unit that can carry your other land units vast distances SC did a great example of this.
  2. Germanfragger

    Germanfragger New Member

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    If they stick close/near Supcom and/or TA then there will be at Least Air Transporters. in TA there were Land/sea and Hover Transporters i think for Off planet Transport u have to use the Rocket Thingi u see in the first Trailer or some Kind of Special Transporter, for short Space like "Planet to moon" it should be possible to use the Unit cannon (Like in Supcom 2)
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Interestingly... We, the Community, may be the ones to decide if there are transports or not.

    Yea... Roll that one around in your noggin for a bit
  4. veta

    veta Active Member

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    there will be teleportation in some fashion, we'll see what they have planned for planetary assaults. it may be as simple as throwing asteroids at the other guy or some form of super egg transport.
  5. jt100010117

    jt100010117 New Member

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    I have a good feeling like something of this sort will be in the game. but one of my finest enjoyments in SupCom was to send a massive wave of Tech 2 Transports at one of my unsuspecting friends base. For Naval Transports I fully agree with some variation but I don't see the practical use in land transports since I haven't played TA.
  6. Artwarp

    Artwarp New Member

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    Hey everybody!

    I'm definitely for some huge scale transport carriers. I think that in a massive area, carriers add a very nice touch in strategic possibilities. Like jt100010117 i realy like to drop troops where my ennemies don't expect me to come :twisted:
    By the way i'm against all sort of teleportation system. Okay it adds a lot of turnaround
    during a game but it seems too cheated to my point of view.

    What's about land carriers (like the droïds carriers in Star Wars ep. I). Like a big tank whith tons of mechs inside ;). If I connect this to Sup' Com i see again the big line of units from factory to battle, it's not very convenient in a large area. Just an idea ^^.

    Sorry for my english mistakes, i'm not a native speaker...

    timp13 likes this.
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Transports are pretty much a necessity as maps grow in scale. You gotta move from point A to point B somehow!
  8. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Two words. Planetary Invasion.

    stormingkiwi likes this.
  9. spookydonut

    spookydonut Member

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    Forming supply lines will be interesting.

    Do you want to transport units, or mass?
    timp13 likes this.
  10. connerj15

    connerj15 New Member

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    That would be for later in the game when you want to invade the new guys planet
  11. connerj15

    connerj15 New Member

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    That would be for later in the game when you want to invade the new guys planet
  12. treign

    treign Member

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    Invasion is my game. Nukes, MegaSpiders, Snipes and even my favorate Fatboy sit back seat while i plan the demise of my enemies... For me, its all about a full frontal assault in an effort to overwhelm my enemies with numbers. The large Tier2/3 air transports in SC were the workhorse of my armies, and the ferry systems (though they could use some work) were a superb addition in making it possible for me to keep the fight on my enemies doorstep.

    So when my mind ventures into the possibility of global invasions... i have grand ideas.

    the advantage would be speed and armour.
    the disadvantage would be firepower.
    perhaps a load of 6-8 bots or 4 tanks or a few aircraft... totally negotiable.
    Transport appearance in my head i see an APC like vehicle. maybe similar to the ALIENS transport or the StarWars MTT (multi-troop transport). An Interesting idea would be trains or some kind of transit system.

    the advantage would be speed and armour.
    the disadvantage would be firepower.
    perhaps a load of 6-8 bots or 4 tanks or a few aircraft... totally negotiable.
    Transport appearance perhaps a hovercraft (LCAC) or Landing Craft Utility (LCU). An Interesting idea would be submersibles (but not limited to just aircraft transport like SC was) or speedboats.

    the advantage would be speed and armour.
    the disadvantage would be firepower.
    perhaps a load of 6-8 bots or 4 tanks...aircraft can be debated.
    Transport Appearance could be the drop ships in a number of movies: Avatar has a good one.
    Interesting ideas for Air transport would be various tiers of transports. 1unit, 4units, 12units, etc. or something like adding jump-jets to non-air units to make short leaps over water, lava, cracks, etc.

    Most of this is rinse/repeat of the games of old... But this is where PlanetaryAnnihilation becomes unique:

    advantage would be the ability to travel to other planets
    interesting ideas would be to include transport tiers. 2units, 12units, 24units, heck maybe even 48units.
    Perhaps make a mothership transport that can haul a dozen or so other land/air/water transports.
    perhaps allow planet to planet ferry routes.
    Perhaps Stargates (or as Nanolathe suggested) a BiFrost (both fairly similar) to cut down on travel-time through the Galaxy (may not be needed for skrimishes or PvP).

    I think it would be very cool to drop a pod on a deserted moon, but how cool would it be to fly the mothership into the backyard of your enemy? I understand there is no intention to allow interstellar battles, but why not the mother of all transport ships? At some point the users will be faced with having to venture out onto other planets. It will be very difficult to overthrow a user that has claimed the planet as his own by dropping eggs on him. The Kickstarter demonstrated 3 possibilities of interstellar travel (commander shuttle, engineer pod, and unit cannon), i know some more of these ideas will more than likely be incorporated, im just not sure as to the extent.

    I fully intend on bringing the battle to my enemy. However, i am eager to find out how i will be accomplishing this task. I certainly look forward to smashing planets into one another, but i prefer more creative ways for my foes to meet their maker than the stereotypical a rat-race to build a nuke.
    timp13 and rippsblack like this.
  13. treign

    treign Member

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    C&C, Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, and other games had resources that needed to be collected and transported back to your base before you were paid-out. In Total Annihilation, SupremeCommander, and SupremeCommander2 the resources were collected by stationary buildings. Once the buildings were built, you received 'X' amount of resources over 'Y' amount of time. That appears to be the case with PlanetaryAnnihilation.

    Other resources could be collected around the map, but they were immediately absorbed and input into your stockpile.
  14. tgslasher

    tgslasher New Member

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    I heard ... Stargates. That would be cool.

    As to my ideas for transports:

    Ground, a big heavy armoured transport (see Star Wars The Phantom Menaces' droid transport). It could be fast moving, but would require a high unload time for balance purposes.

    Water, a medium armoured version of the above that can float and go on land.

    Air transport, fast, medium armoured transport to carry units. Lesser bots can fire from the transport (UEF T1 gunship anyone?). Air transport can hold x T1s and x/2 T2s. It can also transport aircraft.
  15. buck3tface

    buck3tface New Member

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    As far as I understand it, the plan is to have some sort of start gate like transport system that is expensive economically to transport large number of units. The egg transport will also be there though there has been no mention as to its capacity or how many you could conceivably use. Maybe a large egg/drop pod assault on a well defended planet will be possible. that seems to cover the inter-planetary travel

    The planetary travel, well nothing has been mentioned by Uber to my knowledge, but I would assume there there will be at least air & probably sea, since individual planets have the potential to be quite large in this game, hover type transport could be interesting as well.

    Although I'm not entirely convinced it will be absolutely necessary to have transports, since the size of planets would need to be limited to make it reasonable to have a game that spans solar systems their scale may not require transports to effectively attack an enemy base.

    However I would like to see at the very least, air transports with a reasonably sizable carry capacity in the game, ie; 6 units for tier 1 & 12 for tier 2, could even double that scale, it depends.
  16. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    soooo any news if we gonna have Air Transports ? cant find anything
  17. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    Have any of you thought of putting a teleporter on a small moon or asteroid with engines, anti and normal nukes, and unit cannons so you can now load an army onto it launch it into orbit around someone else's planet and rain the army down in unit cannons while countering there nukes and nuking them back while even reinforcing you units on the ground with more ground units coming through the teleporter and then going into the unit cannons :)
  18. rippsblack

    rippsblack Member

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    There was mention by Mavor in a live stream that there would be some kind of air transport at lower and maybe higher tech levels, something akin to the atlas from 'Total Annihilation' for the lower tier and possibly a multi unit transport for the higher.

    I forget which live stream it was.
  19. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  20. dangoofed

    dangoofed Member

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    I think it was one of the two most recent ones, It may have been the most recent one right before they start the dev match, it's in whatever one they touched on the teleporter, they briefly mentioned more transport options. From what I recall though, they're aiming more for the single unit at a time back and forth transport systems as opposed to giant transports that can hold multiple units at a time. And I think the reason for that was because of coding and ui problems in loading and unloading alot of units. I'm hoping it's like supcom where if you click "support" over a moving army with the helicopters, they'll just drop them off at where they were going to go anyway.

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