I understand the server isn't currently available via hldsupdatetool. Will it be in the future? Possibly when the full game is released?
Are the server files available separately from Steam? The reason I ask is I was checking with my GSP (Gameservers.com) if they will be offering MNC servers for rent. Their answer was, it's only a possibility if the files are offered as a standalone or available via hldsupdatetool.
There are some places that will be hosting the servers regardless . Waiting on the devs to fix the multiserver problem first.
Will there be an official source for downloading the server files that will be kept up to date? I imagine that's the minimum a GSP would be looking for before they start offering rental servers. Have Uber been talking to any of the GSPs about hosting rental servers? I've enjoyed running servers for several games over the last couple years (Left 4 Dead 1/2, Alien Swarm, Bad Company 2) but since I can't host on my home connection I have to rent servers. I'm enjoying MNC a lot and would like to run a server for this game if rentals become available. I'm sure there are/will be plenty others in my position.