Why is the transition to & from the Deploy skill so sloppy?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by AcidSnow, September 5, 2010.

  1. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Anyone wonder why we lose the ability to aim during the transition to & from the Deploy skill? I would use Deploy a lot more if my aimer didn't get frozen in place for a few moments during the deployment animation, it makes for a SLOPPY transition while in combat - was this done on purpose?
    Last edited: September 5, 2010
  2. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Re: Why is the transition to/from Deploy so bad?

    I haven't noticed this on the gunner at all, but the poor tank definately has this problem. Deploy for him is completely unusable against players because of it. :(
  3. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Re: Why is the transition to/from Deploy so bad?

    ...Yeah, it's def a problem with the Tank, but are you sure this doesn't affect the Gunner also? Another thing that bothers me is the SLOW zoom-in from the 3rd person to 1st person: sometimes I'm backed up against a wall, and when I begin to Deploy, the [huge] character model gets in the way of my view as it's transitioning into 1st person = very poor design decisions, which results in a less tolerable gameplay experience :?
  4. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    I'm sure that the Tank is at least subjectively worse when transitioning to deploy. Be it an actual difference in the transition, a smoother animation of the transition, or differences in the basic gameplay between the two classes(farther away from enemy when deploying as gunner) deploying as a Gunner for combat gives me no problems but Tank deploys are horrible.
  5. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Re: Why is the transition to/from Deploy so bad?

    You don't even need to stop shooting/aiming as the gunner.

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