His feedback needs be taken seriously, as much as he troubleshoots problems. A light blue name was enough before, albeit I never felt he did the work of a light blue name as much as a dark blue name, but dark blue or green will work given his function.
Oh, well that settles it, this is simply a bug in the forum then. There is no reason not to fix it in that case.
Why a mod? He's fine with support stuff. I don't think he needs to be bothered with forum stuff. The only reason why he's a mod on the Steam forums is mainly for troubleshooting. The mod powers are so he can move topics to the right section and closed threads that have a fix. Besides there are plenty of mod already here. I also don't see how the color of his username affects what he posts?
Ability to move topics and split them would be helpful on this forum too. Sometimes players post tons of unrelated issues in same topic which make it hard to track what I answered and what's not. I asked @garat about that before but he was quite too busy to deal with forum problems. And yeah that would be cool to split tech support from actual bugs on this forum like I did it on Steam forums so I can rename them as [resolved] and add bug ID into title so it's easier to track them. But this will require more than just mod permissions so it's up to devs. Though fully agree with it. I don't see any reason why anybody except devs need to have colored names at all. PS: I don't care about any real "moderation" except this tech stuff. And yeah even on Steam I only did actual moderation probably 15-20 times or so because even there I seen only few aggressive dudes and usually Steam community mods clean up or ban them faster than me.
I was actually about to say. Steam forums is sad, if I wanted to be a mod there I bet I could if I just applied for the job with a promise of scheduled and precision work. Simply due to the lack of moderation and the need for it. These forums are "nicer" and so everyone wants to moderate them Anyway, I said green or dark blue name, but he brings up a good point, green wouldn't be sufficient, so maybe give him a dark blue name, just without the banner "contractor" because he technically isn't.