Why dont forum members play competitively?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, June 18, 2011.

  1. joker

    joker Active Member

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    This was prompted by an anonymous member who could not create the topic themselves. Why do forum members not try to play competitively?
  2. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Shut up. Tell him that's why we don't play competitively. Just tell him to shut up and spit in his mouth if possible, he (you) will get the hint eventually.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Attitudes, lack of time, lack of this game being balanced for competitive play on console, general history of competitive gaming tearing appart my groups of friends, the idea of "practicing" for a team on a video game at this point in my life, mnc competitive gaming narrowly pidgeon holing certain classes to certain roles if you want to win, lack of a streamlined interface allowing for a quick private match if I ever did get the itch to play one.

    Or something like that.
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Competitive just isn't fun in a game like this. Much more suited to one-dimensional games like Counter Strike or Halo.
  5. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    I'm not up to snuff and I know it. Plus everything Im Hudson said.

    EDIT: I do appreciate your honest effort to keep this community alive, Chron1cle. I wasn't at all trying to downplay that by what I said.
    Last edited: June 18, 2011
  6. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    I definitely disagree. Competitive matches are much more fun to me than public matches. However, I used to feel the same way you do, so I see your point.
  7. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Because "they" don't want to.
    Some people don't like playing privates and I hope "they" don't get criticized just for not accepting any invites.
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    at least hudson gave an answer.. all understandable reasons as well, but there are other options.

    First off, I'd like to say that this doesn't exactly mean finding a team, but also joining up in these privates. Privates have more tension than scrims though.

    Attitudes - Everyone on **** has a decent enough/laidback attitude. We try hard but play because it's fun.

    Lack of Time - Definitely understandable.. Every team has had trouble getting it's roster on but find people who play this game enough and you'll eventually all be on. There are privates all the time anyway.

    Game not balanced on console - maybe when compared to PC, but this is still a balanced competitive game in my eyes. Sure there are some things that are broken, but this beats Halo Reach by a long shot in terms of competitive merit (my opinion)

    Competitive gaming tearing apart groups of friends - idk if you're talking about real life or online.. but either way that's unfortunate. I've always played competitive games but didn't get into competitions until 2006/2007 with Halo 2. I've yet to lose any real life or online friends over teams or matches.

    Something I'm not sure if I quite follow about classes narrowing down to specific roles - Certain classes have pro's and cons that contribute to the game. In pubs you're more free to do as you please, but I like the amount of focus on certain tasks that needs to be applied in privates. I mean it's possible to play as you please in privates but thats up to you. I could stomp a team so hard that I decide to grenade bots from a distance or something of the sorts.

    Lack of private options/simplicity of setting them up - Understandable.. I can use the same excuse that I've heard for almost any other problem brought up about this game. It's only $15, theres only so many people working on uber etc. I guess they all apply here but as difficult as it is, we're still able to set up privates and fix teams rather quickly for whats we're dealt with.

    I'm not trying to change your mind about playing, or saying your reasons are wrong, but giving exceptions to your reasons. Besides the classes, bugs, and options in the game, everything else can be worked out around these issues.

    Vortex, I think you'd be surprised the level of competitive merit this game has. I think CS is a way more competitive title, but MNC is a lot more fun to me.

    I mean you guys will get criticized for not playing privates if we ask and the reasons we get are "shut up" and "because they don't want to". I'm sure you guys don't care so it all works out.
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Teapots words are spoken from a true person in most peoples' shoes a couple months ago when he was asked to join ****. a guy who did well in pubs and went for it competitive and understood what it took to win and what it meant to be on a team. Most of you guys hype this up way too much with team practicing etc, and there is alot more depth to competition than you would think, and there are openings for playmaking as well. All these one-two word retard answers are from people who i feel quite frankly are just afraid to bruise their ego. God forbid u tried something before bashing it to pieces
  10. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    because it's an arcade game
  11. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Here's my response
    Team Balance is allways onesided whenever I play your either getting stomped to a point where you can't leave the spawn ring or pushing to it. I think out of the like 7 games i've played there was one when team balance was decent. There are some people who also get mad when you do bad, and I know i'm not on par with most of you guys and I don't really want someone yelling at me reminding me that. Lastly, i've been doing a bunch of stuff with real life friends on black ops messing around when I get the invites so there's that.
  12. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Having watched a few vids of matches I know I'm simply not good enough. Sure I can pub stomp when on with a friend or 2 but you're all playing at a whole different level to me. I'm on the Mediocres for a reason.
  13. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    I have better things to do with my life. I also feel like I'm playing a fighting game where the balance decision was to make everything overpowered as hell. I still enjoy my pubs. They're more fun.
  14. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    I didn't know we were supposed to.
  15. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    But dad, I don't want to be in the cock parade!
  16. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    Am I reading this wrong, or are you saying the game is balanced? I mean, everything can't be overpowered, can it? So confused... :?
  17. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Exactly what Jays said. 90% of the community are not up to snuff for competitive (although we joined before for kicks.) To parrot Jay, I formed the Mediocres for a reason.

    And also, when faced with a private match, do you want to play by the book or play Happy Slappy Fun Time? Wacky game variants are the order of the day.
  18. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Well.... I am on a team, but we haven't played together for a LONG time. We have mostly moved on to new games, and there is a real lack of competitive MNC teams.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    First of all, who in the hell was so cowardly as to ask anonymously?

    This is not, or by all means, should not be a sore subject for anyone. That's retarded.

    Though, to answer the question:

    For me personally, it's simply to much effort. I'd have to get a group of friends together. I'd have to try and work on synergy with the players. I'd have to play my absolute best against people I know would give me a hell of a time.

    I wouldn't mind playing some scrims now and again while improving.

    I would mind having to do it consistently, and constantly. Simply too much effort for one as lazy as I.
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    it was tom, didnt think it was a big deal who asked most of us were curious. anyway the competitive community has thickened a bit with a good free agency, so you may continue to discuss how you dont have the 8-12 hours a day to spend practicing and synergizing with teammates and developing strategies for an extremely demanding competitive game. because, you know, this game is really hard and the best teams practice on a regular schedule with strafing exercises and shooting drills

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