So I just tried tank and LOL. Why does tank have awesome defense, an awesome long range weapon, an awesome close range weapon, awesome skills, AND decent mobility? No wonder so many people play tank on MNC PC. :shock: I think I may have found my new "main".
I'm not very good with the tank, but it's a BLAST to play. If I get into a match late, I will pick tank just to have some fun before it's over. That's not to say I don't have fun while playing as a Support though. I am generally more serious when I'm a Support. :|
Playing on both XBox and PC Assaults just eat the Tank up at mid-range. The PC version has far less good Assault players and not to mention the players aren't as aggressive. The Tank is an aggressive force and when used to his full potential can be quite the handful for anyone.
Only at extreme distances, and even then Assault can still put the hurt on with the Grenade Launcher. At mid-ish range, a good Assault should be besting a good Tank in straight-up combat.
Meh, I'm not really having trouble with Assaults. Can't believe I didn't really try tank until now. :shock:
Dare I say this but the reason you aren't having trouble with Assaults is simply because you haven't played against a good one. Sunny Dove is an example of a good Assault.
Come to the EU servers (namely places like Racquemis's servers). Then complain about players with no skill.
Wow, you must have played with me on one of the rare occasions I stomp as assault. I don't play him often and I really feel like it's the most awkward class for me to play. After I get home from work, I'm planning on posting a 17-2 assault game. It just feels so painful watching myself play assault :| but I am comparing myself to my buddy Xeno. Anyway, I'm much more comfortable with tank or support. When I do play assault, my main goal is to pester the other team's best pros. Level 3 bomb is great for forcing them back or an easy ring out.
I disagree, the tank is a highly mobile and versatile class suited for either close combat or long range engagement, 3 railshots on the common sniper loadouts are quite easy with golden RoF, you got the product grenade which is just pure cash, you got a charge with knockdown and deathblossom. Anytime a competent tank enters the field it's all "where does it stop" time.
What? If that's true, then I must be playing with some hardcore baddies - I'm not having trouble with any particular class. Snipers might kill me a bit more than other classes, but for the most part I can own and get owned by every class equally.
I'm not saying that you can't beat other classes, just that the assassin is probably the one class the tank is truly a hard counter to.
a good tank vs a good assault, the assault should win, with this bomb his run away, his AR at mid range he will widdle you down and win, gunner vs tank, gunner will destroy you at mid range no questions asked, if you get a lucky charge on him you will win more then likely, it all depends on the player not the class.