Why do you play assassin

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, March 5, 2011.

  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I have played countless games in the last 3 days. All i see are people playing the game as as an assassin and if they weren't at the start they turn into one. They shouldn't be able to grapple and take less damage. I'm tired of trying to take one off a team mate to have the assassin survive with a sliver of health and take less damage when using smoke bomb turn invisible lunge away and there back at it again. Respawn is quick. This promotes them to kamakaze like they mostly do. Do you play it to piss people off or are scared of being seen and fighting . I say this cause the assassins dont push bots they try to kill. What are your opinions
    Last edited: March 5, 2011
  2. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  3. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    One thing: LRN2GRAMMAR.
    On topic: I liked playing scout and spy in TF2. Assassin is essentially them wrapped up into one. Why should I not play her? I kill bots, and then I kill pros if there are no bots or they get in my way, like assassins should.
  4. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    It was correct. Before. Don't worry about grammar. Worry about the topic. And i'm saying like it's the most cat class. I'm a have to main tank just to stop all them.
  5. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    well you should do as you please. But if there is an influx of assassins. Then that means theres going to be a lot of tanks.
  6. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    hey, i play assassin cause im good at it. no other reason.
  7. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    What I've found is because there are so many freaking assassins these days it seems like they've pushed all the actual good assassins to different classes because I haven't played against a good assassin in months.

    They all get their asses handed to them sooo bad they all end up changing to assault now. If they only killed a few bots they'd realize how devastating the assassin class can be, but no, they just want to suicide face grapple everyone. Meh, doesn't bother me.

    Then again I play gunner a have the Turtle Beach X-11s so I don't even fight them, I just brush them off like dirt on my shoulder the second I hear anything.
  8. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I have played countless games in the last 3 days.

    All I see are people playing the game as as an assault and if they weren't at the start they turn into one. They shouldn't be able to charge grapple and take less damage. I'm tired of trying to take one off a team mate to have the assault survive with a sliver of health and using a bomb to cover their retreat while they jet pack away and they're back at it again.

    Skill recharge is quick. This promotes them to use guerrilla tactics like they mostly do. Do you play it to piss people off or are scared of fighting with less than green health. I say this cause the assaults don't push bots they try to kill.

    What are your opinions?

    But seriously, playing assassin against good people isn't all sunshine and daisies.
  9. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Because no one else has the presence of mind to kill bots or turrets.
  10. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I like bitch-slapping forumers.
  11. Organous

    Organous Member

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    The assassins you mention are just bad, even though they can end up making good plays unknowingly. I've been killed several times by grabs that don't kill me in themselves, but hold me down while their Gunner/Assault gets me.
    As for why I play Assassin, I do it for the primary purpose of destroying bases. Getting back-grapples is fine, but I'm primarily going for juice-rushes on turrets. I'm just versatile enough that I know what to be trying at any given time. I also know enough to get myself out of dangerous situations if spotted.
  12. F0rs4k3n R0gu3

    F0rs4k3n R0gu3 New Member

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    Honestly, assasin is a very balanced class. Even with gold armor they have miniscule hp, it takes real skill and timing to play assassin well. Sure anyone can back grapple a support once in a while and get away with it, and its very frustrating when it happens... As a main Gunner, I honestly dont have a big problem with them. Just stay in the air and slam when needed. Every class has a skill to counter assassins. Slam, Traps, Fly, charge/deathblossom and even firebase can protect from bad assasins. Just be smart and listen instead of standing still and shooting

    Most assassins that are random pubs don't realize that their true job is to kill bots not to hunt down other players.
  13. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Oh yes. My 117 Gunner grapple kills have been almost exclusively on Assassins who think they can get away with grappling a teammate. (You gonna be crab fat, brudda!)
  14. F0rs4k3n R0gu3

    F0rs4k3n R0gu3 New Member

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    =D Gunner grapple is so underrated lol and yes, most of my grapple kills are on 'sins. In fact Assassin is my most killed class now that i checked
  15. AncientSpartan7

    AncientSpartan7 New Member

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    *Facebook Like button* /me clicks the "like" button
  16. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Why do I feel strangely aroused?
  17. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I mean when it comes to new players. Assaults there difficult when backed by a team they can easily move to a team member. But new assassins will just grapple even if they can't kill you. Lunge jump slash. If they get his bunny hop away. When i play i try my best to bring you the battle esp when it's 1 v 1. I will never run away. 2v1 i will replan my tactic. I mean it's cool now i have started to run a gold armor tank with fire rate and speed might to reload to death blossom quicker. I like it. beside the assault who keep distance or support with fire rate shotgun when i'm occupied with someone else. It's been going pretty good. I mean i guess i was just ranting cause it's like cloak all day hide and seek. I mean with the tank backstab me all you want. Im ready for it now. Good bye assault main i will do the tank thing. I will work towards assassin termination. No longer use assault as my crutch.
  18. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Disregard the previous post
    Last edited: March 6, 2011
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    hurray! another one of drizy's "this class killed me, instead of rethinking my strategy i will call for a nerf: discuss (btu if you disagree with me i will just start calling you names)" thread!

    popcorn anyone?
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I never knew noob Assassin were that big of a threat. :?

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