Why Do You Do It?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by RandomToon, April 19, 2013.

  1. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Put up with all the bullshit associated that comes with playing this game? All the ego and butt hurt and ****? Why do you keep coming back even though you know that you would probably be better off just playing something else? I am seriously wondering what motivates you guys as I lose my motivation...
  2. javanp

    javanp New Member

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    I've never "come back" and will never be coming back. Simple as that.
  3. leadlpmaster

    leadlpmaster Active Member

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    This game has one of the most active, funny, willing to learn and willing to teach plaerbases I've seen since my little clique in UT '99. The fact that I see so many people arguing sometimes really proves to me that most everyone did and do still care about the game. It was the first game I found that as I got better, more opportunities appeared for me to learn from a lot of the higher up members of the community and it felt like most of the people on my friends list that played the game were people that I could actually talk to about stuff and not just the game.

    The game might have its ups and downs, and the community may have its ups and downs but that's not gonna stop me from having a fun time, getting better, and eventually teaching, playing, and just talking with the new players.

    I guess the real reason I like to keep playing is because I would like to be to the newer players now what the really talented players were to me then. Some of those guys are really fun to play against, and some them I would even call my friends.

    I guess that's why I play the game.
  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I love the game. It is very fun and addicting. I also enjoy that I'm good at it. I enjoy others respecting my ability, I like the occasional compliment rather than the resentment. A newer player today would play assault every time I did to challenge me, and after a few games in chat gave me a nice compliment, and I immediately respected that player infinitely more for not backing down, then a GG afterwards. THAT is what the game should be about.

    Another player today said the best advice a PM player has given him is my style of aiming with sniper and railgun. Another player requested I play a certain class to dual class with me like old times.

    Most of all though I enjoy the comfort of this community. Most people I play MNC with I've known for a couple years now. Winning and losing to friends is alot more fun than strangers. The other day Miracle asked if I would be interested in doing competitive CoD because he is getting into it and Shammas already is, and I basically said not really because I'm past competitive gaming. I just enjoy customs of games with small communities and familiar faces, a reason I also liked Guardians. It had a small comfortable community just like this.

    I've earned every accolade and all the respect for my ability I could possibly want from this game. I have nothing left to prove. Once every few nights il jump on assault to put promising fresh blood to the test and see what they got, but the people I've been playing with lately I feel would agree I'm not nearly as competitive with this game as I used to be, and much more laid back, and I'm just happy for the fact that PMs still exist

    I just like playing MNC, period
  5. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    The game is insanely fun and my friends play it. Why wouldn't I want to play? Plus trolling you guys is just too easy.
  6. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    It's fun, and normally I just play with my group of irl friends but recently I have been joining the privates almost daily and enjoying mnc immensely because it is rare in a pub that you will go against a team that is competitive. And yes I do enjoy a relaxing game of "put no effort in and see who can kill the level 0 the most" but I also enjoy this new possibility of playing against better players and getting to learn from there play styles. Like earlier I went against chrons assault even though I know he is way better than me but I can make myself a better player because of it, and that is enjoyable... also so I can see my inbox light up with rage messages.
  7. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    When you need motivation to play a video game, that should probably tell you a couple of things...
  8. totalamad

    totalamad New Member

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    Honestly I kind of felt that way until I met gravity21rules...A really good player that plays most if not all classes (and pretty good at them) and is one of the most chill players in the game IMO. We would just go around trying to rack kills using one skill set each class or maybe just punching haha. Don't take this the wrong way but a lot of the "vets" get so butt hurt when I kill them or win. Like I literally had tons of rage mail that I just delete because in the end it's just a game who REALLY CARES? Also hate the try hards that rage when all Im doing is simply playing the game (looking at you Christopher moe, milkman, etc.). This game definitely lost some good people that made it fun and competitive when I was first starting out, I still try to get Silent Bizarre Kid to play but no luck haha. I would give credit to some of the rising players but they take themselves too seriously when they aren't that good and they are not team oriented....soooo yeah I play for lolz with Gravity or just to find a team that I can single handedly challenge lol (close to impossible to win).
  9. javanp

    javanp New Member

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  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Motivation was the wrong word to use. Most of us are listing why we enjoy the game. Either way being winning and wanting to get better are valid "motivations" to do anything. What's the difference in motivation for video games and sports? Plenty of people are motivated to practice and play sports for various reasons, 99.9999% not making a living doing it, but for the fun, satisfaction, and love of their sport. If people see video games, or anything for that matter, in a similar light who is anyone to judge or look down upon
  11. javanp

    javanp New Member

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    Thereby not answering his question.
  12. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    It sort of does. People are motivated by fun; i.e., no larger motivation than enjoyment. Others are motivated by the pursuit of excellence. Some are motivated by their friends and the time they get to spend with them. Many other reasons.

    I am motivated to reach certain goals that I set out for myself. I was just thinking if those goals were really attainable and if it was worth the effort of the pursuit anymore. Given the response I got, I think that they are. For now.

    Thanks all.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    pretty much all the other games sucked compared to this at the time.

    I'll always be a competitive FPS player, and this was one of the few games that combined a fun atmosphere with a skill gap. I've always liked a challenge. Thats why I would search lobbies until I found Xeno so I could try to hunt him down.

    Why did I used to keep up with all the bullshit? Because I saw the potential in this game and I knew that others were out there with the same mindset as me, but had no interest in joining. Hell the private match community had a pretty bad name at it's peak and we had forum vets bashing it too. I found that tons of new players wanted to play more than just pubs, but weren't ready for the skilled lobbies that were running at the time, or bare the harassment for trying.

    The game was so fun, I really didn't need much motivation... Keeping this game alive was my motivation. When privates went downhill I started branching off trying to find new players to coach/adopt. Even before that, I would write all over the forums, personal messages, and to recent players that if you were getting juice chained or party stomped, invite me with a message saying so and I'll join and help out. (always played solo)

    I was good enough to effectively hold my own against most players, but I remember a time when I wasn't.. and that was annoying. I guess I just wanted others to have a fun experience too.
  14. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    I managed to quit playing for 14 months. Got bored with other games fast so I came back for a month. Stopped playing MNC again since it finally got boring to me.

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