Why do people Ragequit so much?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sephisticated, January 25, 2011.

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  1. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    I was playing some pubs with F5in yesterday and we must have made at few "known" players leave.

    Why not just stay in the game and try to win? Why do you just give up and leave?
  2. TG x Revival

    TG x Revival New Member

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    I'm not a known player but i have did some of my fair share of rage quitting. I usually rage quit when i find a game where most if not all of my team are something like 3-25 and the money balls shields are down.

    I also rage quit because of lagg, although it isn't really "rage" quitting, i'm sure everyone knows what it's like to be in a laggy lobby which just wont migrate to a different host. I sometimes but rarely will just decide to leave a lobby when the teams are balanced really awfully in my favour or against.

    If i do start a game and find that i'm struggling to win or even get kills for that matter i will usually stay and get my *** whooped. The way i see it is that i made my bed and now i have to lie in it unlike if i join a game where my team is already losing.
  3. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    Why do you assume the raged? Alot of "Known" players have friends who happen to play this game. How do you know they didn't leave via a game invite or other circumstances such as disconnection?
    I've been in my fair share of games where I'll get disconnected but my friend didn't so I'd invite him and he'd leave. No rage involved
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    To feed your ego:

    I ragequit because of you. Even if you're not in my game. In fact, I've never played with or against you but I can already tell you're pretty good. You make me want to throw my controller at a wall. I just...I get so mad at you and how good you probably are! Grrr!

    Feel better?
  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    F5in can personally attest to me leaving when I found my team of randoms couldn't do crap. Anyway, I'd be fine with some resignation feature, allowing the "captain" of either team to call it a loss. This game easily ends practically well before it ends officially.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    probably because nobody likes you or your poor attitude.
  7. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Often times they will quit, rejoin, quit, rejoin, quit, etc.

    For example, we made 3 people leave in 1 match (they were never in the match at the same time) and we weren't even spawn trapping because our team wasn't pushing bots, so we had to do everything. The only reason for them to quit was, well, us. >_>
    If they had invites they would have left before spawning instead of playing for like a minute (and getting killed a few times, hence why it's thought to be (and probably is) a rage quit)

    I never rage quit unless I've been up for like 36 hours and I get BSed by lag or something. If I get outshot, out-strategized, or outsmarted, I really don't care, but god damn that lag is annoying when you're already angry from being tired.
  8. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    While i agree about the lack of sleep part without prior knowledge to how these events had occurred I merely offered another explanation for what has happened.
    And that too has happened where I'll get disconnected from a bad host and the game will shove me back in the only known free spot.
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    So you're gonna tell everyone you made "known" people rage quit and not tell us who it was? If you post who it was, maybe they can show up here to answer your question. If you don't want to tell us who it was maybe just send that person a message asking them why, or just keep it to yourself.

    For now, most of us will just take this as another "I made _____ ragequit" thread.

    Good luck with that. :roll:
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    He's actually being nice about this one, IMO. He asked me on XBL and I said I didn't know, so then he made a topic. He didn't include names because that would be like calling people out. >_>
  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    OK, I'll assume that's true.
    When I quit a match, it's mainly because part of my party didn't make it into a game. I also will leave a match because of lag. Rarely will I "ragequit" because I am being beat. If I continually find ice traps and assault bombs on my spawn doors, I leave. I don't play TDM.

    Who's next? Cheesecake, you're up.
  12. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Just last night I was playing with friends. I thought the game dropped but it turns out he was still in the game. Turns out, my video editor software began auto-uploading my rendered video and the sudden strain on bandwidth cause me to drop.

    It doesn't help that it happened just as an assault killed me. I'm sure it looked like a rage quit to him.

    But if my team is losing bad (like, everyone in our spawn ring, jackbot is knocking on our door bad) I'll either sneak out if I'm assassin and just screw around with their lanes to pass the time or if I'm any other class, stay in spawn and not give them the satisfaction of padding their KDR.

    I stick it out goddammit. I'll even ask them to mercy kill my goddamn moneyball.

    Oh, why? Well let's be real homie. There's a gunner deployed on top of our blast glass, one or maybe two assault bombs outside our doors, and a sniper set up with a fold up chair and mini fridge. Either we feed them kills, keep our respawn spots warm, or rage quit if you don't care.
  13. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LuLz. Or unless DeadEye fights his way out of his spawn, takes map control, and gets your ball down in a 5v2 on your host. Why make a thread like this, when you kids rage quit when you're being beat.
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    GAH! its a gunner taunting while on fire!

    i just got that.
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Me personally, I can't deal with incompetence. That, or completely one sided games (that aren't in my favor :p ). If I see someone make a Lv 1 Laser Blaser and just leave it there as if a Jackbot should quiver in fear, then I'll have my doubts. If I stand in front of the Support screaming at him to make the pain go away while I slowly turn to cinders, I'll start to affirm these doubts. If I note that the Assassin on my team seems to be drawn in by the Tank's beard for the umpteenth time, that's when I call it quits.

    I'm better than the randoms, and can make up for a lot of weight. I can't say I mind, as it means I can destroy without winning in two minutes. But if I'm getting an Uber Streak and our moneyball still goes down, I'll just make the controller a permanent fixture in my wall. Srsly.

    Bottom line is: They ragequit because of rage.

    Should I meet people who are better than me period, I will usually stick it out a few games. Try and match myself with them, see what works, what doesn't, and why. Doesn't last long though. I'm a sore loser.
  17. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LuLz. Tiki Taunting FTW.
  18. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Because its a game, and people are not in a contract to stay to the end. If i get spawn raped i will leave, same for everyone else. And you also feel the same way according to deadeye, so stop being a hypocrite. Lulz

  19. x killa

    x killa New Member

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    1. Lag
    2.The other team has 3 or more good people and my team is made of people going 1-22
    3. Spawn killers, I actually stay and try to kill them but thats a reason for others.
  20. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Nice rage post about rage quitting.
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