Why do people play Assassin the whole game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Anonymous, December 11, 2010.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    when they end up 4-14 at the bottom of the list?

    I understand if you're 4-14 but at the top because you're doing your job and killing bots, but if not, then why the **** are you staying assassin?
  2. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Practice makes perfect but you gotta be less than perfect to get there. Better question: why do haters hate?

    answer 1: they can't carry a team.

    any ideas anyone?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So it's my fault I can't carry my random team with 3 assassins who are all at the bottom AND they all go negative 10?

    Yeah, ok buddy. I'm sorry I ain't grizz baby.

    Half the time it's the assassins on the other team. I feel bad for the team with them. But ok, yeah assume that I can't carry a team. haa.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Because they paid the same amount of money for the game as you did so they are entitled to play as who ever they want. If you dont like playing with crrappy assasins then play with your friends.

    I only really play tank an assault but the last few days ive been practising with the sin an im starting to like it a lot.

    What you have to remember is that the sin class has minimal health so despite being at the top for points they might not always go positive. If they are at the bottom of the scoreboard well someone has to be.
  5. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    You're absolutely right. You shouldn't have to carry your team when a player sees there are already 2 assassins and yet still decides to pick assassin. But not too many random players I've come across really care about team balance, or even winning tbh. It's all about the K/D for them. Shame when they can't even go positive doing that.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Also, the sins job is mostly bot killing but they cant do that if they are getting shot by the other team, maybe back your team up an kill the pros while the sin is pushing your bots.
  7. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Naw I'm kidding, you shouldn't have to carry them but you should have seen what it said before :oops:.

    Besides, it is possible to carry a team by yourself, I've done it and plenty of folks here have too. If you wanna just talk s*&t about other players, at least be good enough to carry them first, even then please just relax.

    Agreed with midget though, you have to lose a bit to get better. I've been as frustrated as you have with it many times, but what are you going to do? You wanna know why I've continued to stay sin and gone negative so I answered. Find a friend, 2 people can easily carry a team.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I cant back up 3 assassins all at once. :roll:

    Im sorry I ain't grizz baby.

    But if they're getting shot, then they should cloak, run, and do that little jump ****.

    Whenever i'm assassin, that always seems to work.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I can easily carry teams, just not that team. Kind of hard to carry 3 of them.

    I would be playing with my friends, but the ones who have this game are all "NAWW MAN BLACK OPS BEST GAME EVURRRR HALO IS SO GAY SO IS MONDAY NIGHT FAGBAT EHHEHEHEHE".
    Not to mention the one player I want to play mnc with, is offline.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hah, people are stupid.

    I never go for K/D.
    I'm always wanting to win, it's just, a good K/D comes along. :lol:
  11. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I like being Assasin. My main objective is killing bots and destroying and building of turrets. Of course, I get some kills here and there as well :twisted:
    But I get your point. But, I also see Tanks on the bottom running 2-20. Why not hate those?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I have never noticed a tank on my team who does that bad.

    Generally I never have tanks on my team either.


    Im tank repellent.
  13. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    A lot of it has to do with the god awful pre built assassin.
    If you see a guest as an assassin, you know they'll be going mega negative.
    Critical ...really?
  14. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    Critical is only good with Ninja Star Spam, but guests would probably not know that.

    Also, I didn't play Assassin until I reached level 22 and I did really bad with her, so I didn't play her again until level 50.

    Now I need to learn how to play the Support.
  15. ElfControl

    ElfControl New Member

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    wow, wait hold up a minute, yes there are a lot of people who suck as assassin. Some people just play as here because she looks cool, others because there trying to get better, but this thread is making people who are pretty good as assassin(like me , no modesty here) bad. No offense.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    But I specified.

    I didnt say all assassins, I was just pointing out the ones who clearly shouldn't be assassin.
  17. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    But hey, when someone's playing tennis and he or she is enjoying it but said person is really bad at it, you don't go saying: "Stop playing tennis, person!"

    Or am I now going off the topic?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I don't think anybody is going to enjoy the game when you get 4 kills and constantly get killed.
  19. Special C

    Special C New Member

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    Because if you swap mid game you lose all your upgrades?
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Then switch to a class you're good with.

    Good class = making moniez and juicesssss.

    Juices = bot kills and turret kills oh and people kills.

    any kills = monies

    monies = buy upgrades.

    buy upgrades = problem solved.

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