Why an assassin should NOT grapple a jackbot

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 24, 2010.

  1. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    When I play as an assassin... I love the animation of toppling the massive jackbot. It's awesome! its perhaps the most impressive bad @$$ feeling in the game...

    It just doesn't help your class...

    Take now an assassin who runs in and starts slashing the jackbot instead of grappling... which happened to me purely by accident as my grapple was recharging.

    I started slashing away and LO AND BEHOLD before I finished the jackbot I am fully JUICED.

    I juice, finish the jackbot and the dirty firebase close by and got to thinking.

    I must have had most of my juice already there anyway... as I hadn't been paying close attention so I tried it again... it was OT and rumbling up the lane was another Jackbot.

    Dash, Slash and...

    VIOLA! My friend Jack is a juice machine.


    1. When the Jackbot is in your base and you need to stop it from damaging turrets/money ball.

    2. If their is a pro or two around the jackbot; although, even then you can use the jackbot as a shield between you and the opposing team. Its amazing how quickly the juice racks up (esp with the ROF perk).
  2. Epiphany

    Epiphany New Member

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    Or you could just kill it instead of wasting the time... all you need is a few kills for $500 to buy the juice anyhow, right?
  3. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Love to see an assassin help the team out by killing the jackbot faster. Jackbots make or break the game plan, making a junk heap out of them faster than the other team helps win lots of games. There are other ways to get juice imo. Down the jackbot ASAP IMO.
  4. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    one kill = $25

    so you need to kill 20 pros to make $500?

    How is that faster...

    and once you hit the jackbot he won't advance.... so how is that NOT helping the team.

    The time it takes to slash, Juice, and finish the jackbot is the same as the grapple, then slice... only then you don't Juice up at all.

    That hurts you AND your team.

    i.e. fastest most efficient way to take out a jackbot is to juice and kill.

    Hence, the above thread.
  5. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    I always grapple it. Get it killed efficiently without worrying your team, completely immobilising it whilst u attack. Juice can be earned other ways, either buy it or earn it. Yes, u only get $25 per pro kill, but if ur only killing pros, ur not using the class to the full potential. Bots can easily be dispatched via assassin and that shouldn't be wasted. Turrets likewise.
  6. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    a grapple then attack takes longer than a slice and juice...

    Not to mention when you grapple it the other teams sniper spam shoots his own jackbot because of the explosive damage. Half of the time you are dead as soon as you come out of the animation.

    If you are slicing you aren't nearly as obvious.

    Your team is better off when anyone on your team is juiced.

    again... grapple: Fast
    slice and Juice: Faster
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "a grapple then attack takes longer than a slice and juice..."

    Sure if it's just you trying to take out the Jackbot. An Assassin that grappled a Jackbot putting it on the ground is the best way to have your other teammates lay into it w/out the worry of being knocked back and stunned. More often then not once it's down it's not getting back up.
  8. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    Good response...

    best rebuttal so far.
  9. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    The big reason to grapple a jackbot is that they cannot use their slam ability or fire rockets while grappled.
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    If anything else, at least you don't have to worry about losing your rhythm and getting slammed because your other team mates were close enough to trigger the slam attack.

    Getting slammed and slowed is damn annoying and I'm glad to stop it whenever I can.

    Juicing up on default slashing is certainly an option though.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I put my mind, body, and spirit into that thought. It better be good. lol
  12. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    You can juice up off Blackjacks surprisingly fast. No need to wait for a Jackbot to do it.
  13. Epiphany

    Epiphany New Member

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    Yes but have you not considered the random earnings you can find on the ground, and killing robots as well?
    Each coin is $10
    Killing robots and turrets rewards with $$ as well.
    Fairly easy to buy Juice in my honest opinion.
  14. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    But... but... how will I fund my Gremlin spending habit Epiphany? : (
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Geminosity, taunt after a kill and/or assist whether it's a player or turret of course... ;)
  16. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Yeah, but the Jackbot is the topic at hand, especially since it's basically the only bot on the arena when it's its turn to spawn, besides the other team jackbot of course.

    Wait, assists too? And turrets? My God, had I known that, I'd be building forts made of gold coins from my assists alone.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yep. Whenever that white line of text appears on screen taunt and you will earn CASH!!! lol
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    interesting! I didn't know that either! I knew the kills did but not the other two :eek:
  19. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Jackbots: Worth stopping/slowing down, definitely worth finishing off, and a massive distraction for the team. Assassins and Snipers have a powerful Grapple Attack that can be used on them if they can get close enough and it does a lot of damage in a way that stops Jackbot moving in.

    However, Assassins focusing on Jackbots means they're spotted straight away and easy to take out afterwards. Loads of time's I've seen an enemy assassin take down a jackbot - wait for them to finish their pretty flips and finish them off with the Assault Rifle as soon as they step off. Once I learn where the Assassin ends up after said animation it's going to be manslaughter.

    In my opinion the Assassin would be better off focusing on the Pros while the Jackbot is out because if a clever team makes use of that distraction they'll easily be in your base for the rest of the game. Unless the Jackbot really desperately needs stopping (in ur basez) then I would expect an Assassin to focus on the Pros while I 'Launcher the jackbot.
  20. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Another reason Assassin's shouldn't grapple the JBs is you are easy pickings for a sniper with a fully upgraded rifle. He doesn't even need to hit you, just the JB, to trigger the explosive effect. Two or three explosive sniper rounds and you're dead from splash damage. I guess this could be said about any explosive weapon really, but most of those are a classes secondary, whereas the sniper rifle is a sniper's primary.

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