Who's the most dangerous Juice?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by PlumbumTheEpic, November 14, 2010.

  1. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You're defending your base. There's turrets and you. But what's that?


    All you can see is a blaze of red light for armor and you've run.

    Who is the worst one to meet when they're Juiced?

    An Assassin will wipe your turrets, but a Tank will wipe your Pros, a Support is nigh indestructible, a Gunner is very hard to kill and can dish out the pain, an Assault can do everything, and a Sniper... yeah, a Sniper's crap. But out of the rest, who can kick the most arse when juiced?
  2. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Tank. Indestructible, unavoidable, massive damage to pros, turrets, Jackbot, (already wipes blackjacks :D )

    Try to grapple, he'll charge you. Death blossom is a two shot to all but armored tanks and gunners. Maybe even the gunners, I dunno. He might deploy destroy your moneyball while you sit back and try desperately to kill him. Squeezing the Lemon indeed!

    Not to mention just how QUICKLY he can get a juice off of YOUR defenses! Fresh off of spawn, he meanders over to your base, deploys in front of your Lazerblazers, is juiced in under 6 seconds.

    Last edited: November 14, 2010
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Sniper. Juiced or not, an uzi shouldn't be able to deal 200 or more damage in the time it takes dual miniguns to deal half as much :(
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Most fearsome to least for me:


    Tanks and gunners can deploy, making them nearly invincible and un crowd controllable. Tank is strong against pros turrets and mb while gunner is lacking vs money ball.

    Assault has high damage and mobility to dodge ice traps and other cc.

    Support is just fast and does not really have to aim to kill turrets or pros. Shotgun moneyball is 3rd fastest killer but he is extremely prone to cc if ahotgunning.

    Sniper is strong against pros and money ball but easily cc able.

    Assassin is very powerful against all but most prone to cc.
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    If you think the sniper juice is strong then you simply don't know what you're talking about. They can do it a lot (until the next update), and it's only useful for killing pros, so I can see where the misconception comes from, but it's without a doubt the weakest or second weakest juice. Unless you count damage to the moneyball, but that's getting reduced as well.

    I'd say the tank is easily the strongest juice. They're near invincible, and the deathblossom has enormous AoE and kill potential. Also, they use the same weapon to destroy turrets and pros, so they really don't have to try and pick between the two. They can take out multiple pros and a turret in a single deathblossom, which also makes them the hardest to crowd control, since you really don't want to try and go in for a grapple.
  7. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    It's like some crazy skill gate kind of weapon. It doesn't require any effort or skill to use effectively, but it's quite overshadowed by other things used by skilled players. I just find the juiced uzi anti-pro damage to be ridiculous is all :(
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    How is the SMG that different from the assault rifle or minigun? Both do more damage, have longer range and bigger clips. All the SMG has is it's quick reload speed.
  9. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Purple drank.
  10. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Tank or Gunner, by far. I'd go with Gunner, though, because a juiced Gunner can tear my pitiful juiced Sniper in half in a second flat. The Minigun makes the Gunner a more effective juicer than the Tank, in my eyes.

    Wait, what?
    God, not this again. Juiced uzi is good for killing lightly armored pros who aren't paying attention to their surroundings, and really only at close range. Yes, it will kill you quick, but only if a large majority of the bullets connect (which is basically within suicide range, anyway). And the Sniper is still the easiest juiced pro to take out by leaps and bounds. Like TayTerz said, it's the quick reload speed that gives people the impression of effectiveness, and the Assault Rifle reloads more quickly than that, but we don't hear people wondering why the Assault Rifle is a godlike pro-killing juice tool.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Now that I'm at a computer and not on an Iphone, I would like to make a bold statement:

    The Assassin's juice is extremely overrated. Her usefulness comes from the FREQUENCY she can juice, because her actual juice makes her extremely prone to any number of moves like Slam/Charge/Grapple. Sure she is a wrecking ball, but you know EXACTLY where she will be going on her turret wrecking spree which makes her much more susceptible to CC/ring outs.

    Compare this to a Tank who 1 shots any non overhealed class minus armored tanks and gunners IN AN AOE AROUND HIM every 1.3 or so seconds, while easily melting 3-6 turrets with the jet gun.

    Or Compare this to a gunner who can 1-2 shot 90% of the turrets in the game with juiced mortars without ever stepping into your base.

    The Support/Sniper/Assassin are also extremely easy to ring out compared to the Tank/Gunner/Assault.
  12. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Hardly bold, always true, especially this part:

    Every time I see an assassin juice halfway down a lane, I'll toss a trap next to the closest turret, because I know she'll be there momentarily. Many times, I'll throw down the trap directly in the Assassin's line of sight, and they'll walk right into it anyway. Grapple ring out incoming!
  13. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Its been my experience that armored snipers/assassins took a bit more than just one DB.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but oh well. Its still crazy strong.

    I wonder if it would actually take 3 shots to drop an overhealed level 3 shaveice with the gunner's juice mortars.
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    They do, but the fire will kill them.
  15. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Bullseye. I tried to grapple him and he just bounced me off the map.
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the sniper has pissed me off the most juiced. most of which being patched, but still.

    he has the power of the ungodly ump45 when juiced. he shoots randomly across the map with an smg, 2 bullets kill you. blindfire? doesnt matter.

    juicing and unloading a clip of sniper rifle into the moneyball kills it fastest. perhaps fastest even after patch, as it already does 3x more than any other weapon. idk if it does the most, but thats more than the most...

    id rather deal with the deathblossom tank or the infinite health support.

    but i can say for certain, that the assassin is the weakest. an assassin destroying a turret with a sword should be a n00b mistake. 2 shotgun blasts kill her while juiced shurikens are slightly slower but more effective unless your kamikaze. even then, kamikaze's usually get my assault punch in their mouth and out of the arena. better off with shurikens.
  17. ptcMalice

    ptcMalice New Member

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    Snipers are pretty damn dangerous to the moneyball. More so than anyone, I'd say. At least until the patch.
    Level 3 Flak and your rifle can take down a moneyball to less than 20% in one juice, easily. And no one can get close to you with the flak going off and bullets exploding on impact with the moneyball.
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I suppose you're all forgetting about how much damage the tank's Railgun does to the moneyball. Its not more than the sniper, but he's FAR safer while using it as he doesn't need to scope to point it at the moneyball. Plus, he can deploy to make himself nearly invulnerable while melting your moneyball.

    The tanks juice is the most dangerous. Period. Pros, Turrets, moneyball, and only a juiced assassin can kill a jackbot faster.
  19. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Don't be silly. The SMG loses it's firepower drastically over range. The sniper can throw a trap further than he can kill someone with the SMG.
    Last edited: November 15, 2010
  20. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    PohTayToez, something went wrong with your quoting. I never said that.

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