Floating Turrets! http://steamcommunity.com/id/sxrwahrhei ... 7736482782 http://steamcommunity.com/id/sxrwahrhei ... 7736481052 Really freaky black clouds! http://steamcommunity.com/id/sxrwahrhei ... 7736484827
Betting the FB was set on someone's head at the right time As for the black clouds, lemme guess, ATI card?
I think the firebase floating comes from lag. I've tossed mine down in certain spots and watch it try and pop up. I normally ends up edging itself around until it find a spot it likes. A 3rd of those times it ends up in the air. Other times it ends up out of LoS of the area I was trying to cover. Spot above G3 bot spawners/jump pad my firebase ended up moving itself off the platform half-way towards the center of the map. Was useless except when people used the pad. If I tried the jump retrieve of it chances are I woulda fell off.
I figured out that putting it on the other side of the glass makes it hard to kill, but now I also know this makes it float. >_> Clouds, yeah I'm an ATI, but again it's only Multiplayer that does it.