What delicious irony. Anywho, let's get back on topic. The incredibly idiotic and disappointing topic, but a topic nonetheless. This thread is going to get locked, anyway.
There are other options to shutting down the forum. One option would be to add the 360 forum to the moderation queue. That means every post is moderated BEFORE it is made public. Of course that would mean it could take hours until a post appears.
There is still another option; Although I realize this is just a user asking a question and not an official inquiry or anything, community members chould just try to not force decisions like that onto other people. If you want the forums up, use them along with other people who do the same - even the trolls at least care enough to show up. If you want it shut down, do a shutdown for yourself - don't come here; the net effect is the same for you. If you change your mind, you can always reactivate the forums for yourself and come back. Everyone wins. Obviously, actual shut down would be a decision for Uber Entertainment, and theirs alone. They will most likely shut it down when it ceases to be useful, and despite the trolling which is present there is still excellent archived information and lots of new information coming through at a rate that is too high to be effectively moderated by the current forum staff. This forum is still viable, will remain viable for the forseeable future, and should remain active for that reason. So no, I don't think it should be shut down.