Uber's combined 20+ years of development experience, Pub-stacking, Juice being available for purchase. I think that's about it...
Not rusty he sucked balls until he figured out how to pull host and punch robots. Probably Himicane and vl Ghost lv - not sure of the spelling on that one.
Ive played with ghost on gotham city.. he used to snipe never played assault... Used to have a team with jurassic and sakoto before grand prize fiasco... Never really played vs himicane so dont know... I mean theres juice chaining and alot of people did it back then... but im talking about juice chaining pub assault. Xcal?
Someone once told me Ghost quit playing when they put a cooldown timer on juice machines. Now THAT'S a juice whore
Everyone who has an IQ higher than 60 knows how to juice chain. There is no first. There are simply juice chainers. Amen.
Generally I don't. If I am juice chaining as assault, it is to keep someone on the other team from doing it. Can't buy juice if it is all bought up and you can't afford it very long without a kill streak
In my opinion gunner in the right hands is most devastating in a public match. Either way gunner and assault are just boring even for the user unless the other team has at least a few people who know what they are doing. Support in all games has the best potential for shenanigans. Tank as well!
lol so slow A class that does high damage at range, high damage at melee, has high health, and is able to fly anywhere on the map, has a big effect on games imo.
he did say in the right hands... meaning a gunner in your hands would be as effective as you trying to snipe with the support.