Which Mod First

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by reptarking, June 3, 2015.


Which mod to work on first

  1. Ubercannon based FPS Mod

    1 vote(s)
  2. Tower Wars/Stonghold Kingdoms from wc3

    4 vote(s)
  1. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    FPS Ubercannon mod-
    Would be a team game where each person spawns in as a pillar/building and can make 1 unit per 2 minutes. that shoots a ubercannon like weapon at opponents. there would be different classes: Machine Gunner, Sniper, Rocket Launcher, Rifleman. each having different stats. Would also make an iteration thats 1 shot 1 kill with all players having only 1 class to pick and would be more fast paced. I also was thinking on having point captures that give you a strategic advantage.

    Tower wars/Stronghold Kingdoms -
    Each player spawns as a base in an FFA / Team based style. Towers are built on metal spots to limit there amounts. each persons base will have an anti builder weapon so they cannot sneak into your area and build towers on your points. There will be be units built out of Low Tier and High Tier factories that you send at your opponents base, I dont think i can make them auto travel so a player has to manually send them, so you can stack your units and let them get more towers or rush them and stream in your armies. Your units can only attack there castle, while there towers shred you! you gain income per second by some income buildings but also from a reclaim building that you just make an area reclaim with and it will devour all there dead units.

    Current Progress and time line im expecting with both mods if I work by myself only.

    FPS- Is about 30% done currently and I have a good idea of how to get it all working, would be around 3 weeks tell first release.

    Tower Wars- 20% done, I have it all designed out and currently and putting its design into reality by doing all the unit paths and model paths for all the re scaling I did. Would be around 2 months before first release version, but probably only 1 month before gameplay testing.

    If you would want to help me develop these let me know, I will also be releasing templates for each of these game modes that have the basic design for these things all laid out and will have read me's to let people know everything they will need to change in each area to make things work.
    stuart98 likes this.

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