Class 1 Gold Armor / Silver Rate of Fite / Bronze Skill Recovery Class 2 Gold armor / Silver Accuracy / Bronze Skill Recovery I like Class 1 better.
Which ever one suits your play style best, arm/rof/acc rof/aarm/acc These are the builds i used to use.
I use the bottom one (with silver acc). RoF is nice, and makes your launcher actually viable, but I like keeping my battles at midrange and accuracy gives me the ability to do that. If you like getting all up in your opponents face, then RoF is a better choice. I've recently started using the miracle build (armor/rof/acc) until I get level three bomb and then switching to my build (armor/acc/skill). Since the only real reason for skill is to spam level 3 bombs (the occasional quick escape charge helps to).
I prefer the 1st one but personally run RoF,Arm,Clip: those few extra bullets make all the difference when trying to drop a gunner or tank.
Armor RoF Acc is a much more team oriented build where you will be focusing on killing opponents with your teammates, whereas the other build is more self sustaining allowing you to chase more enemies but doesn't help the team as much. If you really want the most team oriented build you should use Armor RoF Skill. If I made no sense right there, ask Jeff he'll explain it better.
Skill Recov/Speed/Acc Bro-tip: Hang pack and pepper all bots and pros. Secondary Bro-tip: Bomb 3 like a boss. I don't like either of those personally. Gold armor is nice on an assault but I believe other things are better off at gold.
Nice armorless variation on my build, but I think you can put something better on silver. It's far too easy to get speed pickups for me to put speed on my assault.
I'll throw two more out there just for giggles. Clip Size/RoF/Acc (Been trying this out lately. It's really funny) Skill Recov/Health Recov/Acc (since you didn't like speed) I've been on an armor-less spree lately. It makes playing more difficult but I enjoy the extra challenge.