It seems highly unlikely new players would know the alt-c keyboard combination and that users need to push it 2x to select and zoom in to the area around the commander. Perhaps this will be added by the developers, but it is odd that it hasn't been added, as it seems to me to be a very obvious needed feature. Especially is this the case when you have many things happening on the screen in PA and it is hard to locate the commander. All the supreme commander games had a button to "Select Your ACU/Go To Your ACU" with one click. See demo video:
The player icon in the very top left lets you select and view commanders from any player, including your own, where they were last seen.
well, of course there a mod, but it could be a Ingame Freature... at least for when the game is released!
Random idea triggered. Button to pin a selection and make it always visible. Was thinking hover panel, but of course you can't click a button while hovering; maybe a keybind. Might have to move the panel to avoid overlap - hover vs. select is already a bit of an issue.
So... I didn't realize that little commander icon in the upper left would do that. It didn't work for me before this latest build. Anyway it is kinda small and doesnt say select your commander. Thanks for your reply.
Doesn't the video tutorial say you can press C to go to your commander? But the actual key is apparently B, which is kinda confusing...
It used to be C for a long while, until GW came out with the hotkey system. The tutorial video is obviously out of date once more.