Where do I start? Making small changes to my UI.

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by lilbthebasedlord, October 12, 2013.

  1. lilbthebasedlord

    lilbthebasedlord Active Member

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    I have no clue where to start. I tried searching this forum but couldn't really find a "starter kit" if you will.
    So, I'm asking for help. Will somebody point me in the right direction?
    I'm not looking to be a programmer, I just needed to know which files to look at and try to understand.

    I have very little experience, but here is what I do have:

    I supported a WoW UI mod after the original author abandoned it. It was coded in LUA. I could understand what each block of text was supposed to do what most values stood for and their representation, but I could never comprehend the full extent of the code.


    Also, I'm currently taking an entry level computer science course at my uni that uses C++.
    This is the most complex thing I have wrote to date:
    This is all my code written from scratch.
    // Name: Kevin ********
    // E-mail Address: k*****7@psu.edu
    // Class: CMPSC 121 Section 1
    // Project: Homework #4
    // Due Date: 10/11/13
    // Geomtery calucator, calculates areas of circles, rectangles and triangles with user input.
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
       int choice;
       //Display menu
       cout << "Geometry calculator" << endl;
       cout << "   1. Calculate the Area of a Circle" << endl;
       cout << "   2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle" << endl;
       cout << "   3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle" << endl;
       cout << "   4. Quit" << endl;
       cout << endl;
       cout << "   Enter your choice (1-4):" << endl;
       //Enter your choice (1-4):
       cin >> choice;
       //choice logic
       if (choice==1) goto cir;
       if (choice==2) goto rec;
       if (choice==3) goto tri;
       if (choice==4) goto qui;
       cout << "Unsupported choice, enter an integer from 1 to 4." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto start;
       float radius;
       cout <<"Enter radius:" << endl;
       cin >> radius;
       if (radius<=0)
       cout << "Invalid radius value. Enter a length greater than 0." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto cir;
       cout << "The area of a circle with a radius of " << radius << " is " << 3.14159 * radius * radius << "." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto start;
       float len, wit;
       cout << "Enter length:" << endl;
       cin >> len;
       cout << "Enter width:" << endl;
       cin >> wit;
       if (len<=0 || wit<=0)
       cout << "Length and width values must be positive and non-zero." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto rec;
       cout << "The area of a rectangle with a length of " << len << " and width of " << wit << " is " << len*wit << "." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto start;
       float bas, hei;
       cout << "Enter base length:" << endl;
       cin >> bas;
       cout << "Enter height:" << endl;
       cin >> hei;
       if (bas<=0 || hei<=0)
       cout << "Base length and height values must be positive and non-zero." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto tri;
       cout << "The area of a triangle with a base length of " << bas << " and height of " << hei << " is " << .5*bas*hei << "." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto start;
     return 0;
    // Name: Kevin ********
    // E-mail Address: k*****7@psu.edu
    // Class: CMPSC 121 Section 1
    // Project: Homework #4
    // Due Date: 10/11/13
    // Lottery game gives 10k for the exact int, 3k for the same digits and 1k for a single digit.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
       int lot;
       lot = rand();
       if (lot<100 || lot>999) goto start;
       //user input
       int user;   
       cout << "Enter a positive three digit integer." << endl;
       //cout << lot << endl;
       cin >> user;
       if (user<100 || user>999)
       cout << "Only a positive three digit integer is a valid input." << endl;
       cout << endl;
       goto input;
       cout << "The lottery number is " << lot << "." << endl;
       cout << "Your number is " << user << "." << endl;
       //lot separator
       int l_1, l_2, l_3;
       l_1 = lot/100;
       l_2 = (lot-(l_1*100))/10;
       l_3 = lot-(l_1*100+l_2*10);
       //user separator
       int u_1, u_2, u_3;
       u_1 = user/100;
       u_2 = (user-(u_1*100))/10;
       u_3 = user-(u_1*100+u_2*10);
       cout << "You win $10,000!" << endl;
       return 0;
       //digits match
       if((u_1==l_1 || u_1==l_2 || u_1==l_3 )&&(u_2==l_1 || u_2==l_2 || u_2==l_3 )&&(u_3==l_1 || u_3==l_2 || u_3==l_3 ))
       cout << "You win $3,000!" << endl;
       return 0;
       //one matches
       if(u_1==l_1 || u_1==l_2 || u_1==l_3 || u_2==l_1 || u_2==l_2 || u_2==l_3 || u_3==l_1 || u_3==l_2 || u_3==l_3 )
       cout << "You win $1,000!" << endl;
       return 0;
       //no matches
       cout << "You lose lol!" << endl;
     return 0;
    Thanks in advance!
    tatsujb likes this.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    All UI is done in HTML and JavaScript, it's pretty easy to edit using any text editor, for start I can recommend Notepad++.

    There also good Debugger:
    You can use it to edit interface on the fly in real time, so you'll see what exactly change when you edit something.

    What exactly you want to modify?

    PS: Check "User Interface Guides" in this topic:
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Download all the mods you can. Install them (only one at any given time though), and look at what they do in-game. Then read the code, and try to understand what, and why, they've done. Best advice I can give to any new programmer is to look at what you know works and use it for inspiration.

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