Where do I begin?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by joker, June 18, 2013.

  1. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Bullets do too much damage, pros should shoot popcorn instead

    Every class moves too fast

    Turrets need more health

    Turrets need more damage

    The gunner should have a piano instead of a jetpack on his back, his speed and mobility are OP

    The tank should get crit while deployed, this would make it viable

    The supports Airstrikes should come back faster than the assaults bomb and be increased to five per cycle

    The tank needs alot more health so I can run down the lanes hitting L for longer

    The railgun and sniper rifle need a nerf

    Explosive rounds should be confetti and not damage

    Wildman should be black
  2. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. You forgot a few, like:

    -assassin's cloak, instead of a hum you should hear Headcrusher by Megadeth.
    -Sniper need even more ice traps
    -said ice traps should be able to be activated by friendly stray bullets
    -the firebase needs a forcefield and atomic laser

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