Where Can I Get MNC Renders?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by iCatastrophe408, September 12, 2010.

  1. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    I want to make a MNC Signature. Sorry if this was posted somewhere else. I couldnt find any info on this. But if someone can help me that'd be really appreciated. PS: I hope I got this post in the right place. If I happen not to im sorry. ): Msg me on here or my GT: iCatastrophe408 :mrgreen:
    PS: Render is like a image for a signature. Such as the Sniper for MNC. So I can take the image, and make it look awesome. Such as Shadows. I would appreciate it if someone can help me out. Or make me one. I'll be really happy if someone can help. I want a precise one but at the moment I wont be picky. Anything Sniper or Sinx one will work.:) If you can I want the snipers taunt pose or something along that with the sniper. With the sinx i'll take anything. MSG me respond on this. Thank you very much for your time. :)

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