Hello Forum, Where can one find a PDF copy of the PA's instruction manual? Does such a thing exist yet? If not (certainly understandable), can someone recommend a source where a PA novice, like myself, can learn about game concepts? I'm brand new to SupCom / TA / PA universe. Searching for "manual" in this forum gave me 212 hits which told me wonder things about a manual camera mode and something about factories. The forum FAQ answered a bunch of questions -- but not mine. -George
It's alpha version of game, there is no manuals yet. I personally recommend you to watch few streams: http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Pla ... ideos/week And you will understand game mechanics very fast.
probably what we're forgetting to consider here is that to some people "alpha" does not yet have a meaning, they have never encountered the word before and are discovering it for the first time. In light of this and in case I am not mistaken : http://translate.google.com/translate?h ... 6NbzKrGBLw (the english article was less organised) starts at "in computing" In short: Beta is before there is even a game. and alpha is even before that. so right now you are before the before release of the game. It is an exclusive priveledge usualy reserved to game designers.
I also would recommend viewing some videos. Even when they do come out with a manual I would still recommend watching some competition. I would also keep an eye on the Wiki. As the game changes and they add new units that will probably be where they have them documented: http://planetaryannihilation.gamepedia. ... ation_Wiki