When you Join a Match Late and Your team is getting hammered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by DelVega, August 29, 2010.

  1. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    It would be nice if you at least started with a little extra cash when you join the match late.

    Instead of having the same amount everyone started with at the beginning.

    This leaves you way underpowered vs. same class with all the upgrades.

    And you won't have enough to upgrade yourself and the badly needed turrets to defend the MB.

    Anyone else agree?
  2. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    I agree to an extent. Giving too much money late game can just turn the tides for those that worked that much harder to push to the base. OR giving too much can just lead to Juice rushing during Overtime. The thing that I can't stand the most though is joining late game and being put in the team that has all of the low ranked players against high ranked players. And then the next match seems to be the same thing. All high level versus low levels. ( Yes I know it could be that they are in a party but when you watch people join after the fact one can only assume they are not )
  3. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    $550 would be fair I think, enough to fully upgrade a skill. But, to be honest, I'd like to not join games like that at all. Seems pretty rubbish imo.
  4. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    How about not letting anyone join matches after a certain point in the game or putting them in a "spectator mode" (a mode that doesn't count the loss against the unsuspecting people who join).
  5. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I know i am not one of many in this. But i hate this either way, in other words, i do not like being in the "all powerfull" team. The game ends in 3 minutes with their side quiting after 2 minutes. Even worse, the game does not really end at all, since there's a decent chance the host was one of the quitters.
  6. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    Yep. Maybe there should be a lock out on people joining once a moneyball is down.
  7. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    During the course of a game, you will automatically gain 50$ every so often. If they just give all of those automatically given 50$ from the time being to the players joining late, would be good enough i would think.
  8. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    I see no reason why this is a bad idea?
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Mostly because when you find yourself with so much money you'll be tempted to juice late in the game. In the beginning, there's no reason to juice, and you'll want to upgrade your skills. But so much money that late? You can just juice and be done with it. Not to mention you wouldn't have spent money on stuff like bots, ejectors, and the Annihilator
  10. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    I agree. It sucks when a teammate quits, it sucks even worse when the game finally manages to get someone to join and they have no abilities.
  11. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    I can see where your coming from, but those that have been playing have had plenty of time to not only have all their skills maxed but also enough for a ton of juice.

    When you join late, you have enough for two level one skill being put up against pros with all the skill AND juice.

    I just think it would be nice to have a little extra money.

    Like it has been said, there is about 50$ periodically given to you anyway throughout. Why not give what money would've been given to them anyway?
  12. OmegaDave661

    OmegaDave661 New Member

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    1) I think you need new players if some drop. I hate when one person drops from either team, and it's 5 v 6 for a slow bleed 30 min match. A team that's only killing players and not pushing for the money ball.
    2) The $50 thing is a good idea. But that's too much money when you weren't there for the time. Maybe 25% of all time payouts. And/or with a cap of, say, the amount you get to start single player Blitz.
    3) Who cares what they spend the money on? Juice, ejectors, skills... Get to killin...

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