When will the AI be improved?? & what difficulties ?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sinisterdom, July 5, 2013.

  1. sinisterdom

    sinisterdom New Member

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    I really love this game so far, love the online play, and would like to thank the DEV'S for their hard work :D.
    my one issue with the game so far is the OFFLINE game play, because of the AI.

    I full appreciate that this game is still in the alpha stages and over the coming weeks and months will come into its own in terms of offline and online gaming,
    But would just like to have guesstimate to look forward too in terms playing AI being as my internet connection is so terrible and makes playing other people a strain.v
    Although AI can never compare to the crafty-ness of real people i do enjoy ruining a computer.

    also what sort of game modes are there likely to be and what would people like too see ??
  2. deso88

    deso88 Member

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    I guess after the game is feature complete. So beta.
  3. ubersoldier501

    ubersoldier501 Member

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    Wait, offline mode? Did I miss something? I mean I just started up the game, and there is no offline mode.

    Sure there's a "Single Player" button, but it's greyed out right now, hell it's not even a button, just text.

    What exactly are you getting at?
  4. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    You can create a game and start it before anyone joins, allowing effectively for an "offline mode". You still have to be connected to Ubernet, but you aren't playing with any other players.
  5. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    We prefer the term "sandbox mode" as you're still playing an online multiplayer game, the other players are just AI bots. As everyone has noticed right now they have no real AI beyond basic unit behaviors. More comprehensive AI that one might actually call competetive I would not have anyone expect before the end of Beta, though some basic forms of AI will start to show up before that. When exactly, and in what form(s) I cannot say.
  6. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Tell me how to make a sandwich, but the catch is that you have to go in to great detail, so much so that you have to tell my brain how to move my arm and how much to move it.

    That is what you are dealing with when you make AI.
  7. sinisterdom

    sinisterdom New Member

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    Offline mode, sandbox mode, AI mode, single player mode what every you want to call it ,not playing a human, was what i was asking, and thank you Ben for answering a question that could not really be answered.

    Just having to either play against some one that glitches out and moves in chunks because of my internet or playing against 4 sets of turrets and some tanks, gets kind of old rather quick.

    But i full appreciate the work you guys are doing and that this is still alpha, and i am enjoying it so far. Keep up the good work :D

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