Will all the gear be in one big juicy package along or will we end up having to pay for each individual set; or will all the gear be bundled together in one separate add-on? I'm hoping it'll be the first, but knowing Microsoft we'll probably end up with the second...any word on this?
I would think it be just a single DLC considering Uber has to pay microsoft for each Patch/Update they get, which is why PC is getting alot more patches than us
You're forgetting: it's Micro$oft. There is no bargaining with them. Meeting? Ha ha ha. You'll get a visit from Major Nelson and his buddy Seamus "Kneecapper" McCullough and like it. That's if you're lucky. You don't want to know what happens if you're not lucky. I can only say it involves Chinese water torture, car batteries, genetically modified koalas, pixie sticks, and things so horrible I can't mention.
Oh, you're referring to death threats? I do all of that FOR FUN. It's like a DEADLY ROLLER-COASTER ON JUGGERNAUT STEROIDS.