What's your PA "vision"?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by slavetoinsurance, May 7, 2013.

  1. slavetoinsurance

    slavetoinsurance Member

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    What was your first scenario when you thought of PA that made you go "this game will be really cool?"

    I guess to give you an example, mine was when they started talking about gas giants and orbital units during the Kickstarter campaign. In my head, I pictured a situation where you're running a team game on a fairly large solar system, with a gas giant right smack in the middle separating the two teams. Now suddenly you've got this highly contested choke point that also provides extra energy to whomever controls it, and the only way through is the hard way. Orbital guns shoot down almost any capsules carrying engies trying to "sneak past" into enemy territory, so it becomes a huge slugfest where players bring moons into orbit as mobile bases of operations and they duke it out over control of this territory. Floating platforms sitting in the upper atmosphere the gas giant itself serve as more permanent territory, as players slam asteroids into enemy moons to knock out fighting capability around this gas giant. Eventually, one team may stand victorious (temporarily), as they establish an energy economy on the gas giant to push forward into the other team's side.

    To me, that'd be really cool. Even if the game doesn't end up working that way, that situation will stand out to me as Planetary Annihilation when I think about it.

    So now that I've given mine, what about yours? What situation pops into your head as your really cool hypothetical scenario?
  2. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    The Pre-Vis animation being a real thing I can play.
  3. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    A thousand times this :)
  4. slavetoinsurance

    slavetoinsurance Member

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    Oh yes, I definitely plan to be up until the wee hours of the morning, lit only by my monitor as I fire units from a cannon down on a planet. I figured everyone would be in agreement on that one :D.

    Was there anything in particular that stuck out for anybody though, beyond that situation?
  5. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    Saw the trailer and it blew my ******* mind. It was like... The gates of heaven opened up.

    A successor to my all-time favourite game.
    With the (Largely) same team.
    With the same narrator.
    With the same basic theme.
    But... Grander.
    I think I shed a tear of joy. Hell I even sent them a fan letter. I NEVER send fan mail. EVER.
  6. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    I was thinking about a cool strategy game... It was SupCom style with way more people. Then I went on youtube and I checked out Total Annihilation. I commented there saying "Too bad they don't make games like this anymore" and someone replied "Planetary Annihilation". So I checked it out and.... You know what happens from there...

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