Is anyone else experiencing problems with it? I don't mean doing it, but being on the recieving end of them. It seems like if you're within 5 feet of them, regardless of the circumstances, you will end up in that grapple. I've been grappled while jetpacking, I've seen my friend grappled out of a jump pad and I've lost count of the amount of times I've been grabbed out of a charge. Once I got back grappled while charging, which means I must have been charging away from them. It's incredibly frustrating to do a level three Assault charge at an assassin only to end up in their front grapple.
I get this at least once a night. Tons of 6 feet away, running directly at me then suddenly back grappling me. That usually only 1 or 2 that do it, the rest get taken down because there's no lag with them and they're used to the lag advantage. Or not very good. Anyway I always getting back grappled by sin from in front or slightly to the side.
I initially thought that's what it was, but it's been happening in basically every game, regardless of lag conditions. I shouldn't be consistently grappled out of a charge.
I was actually going to post this on Hudsons "Habits you should break thanks to the DLC" but this is just as good. Yep... no more assault charging at assassins for me unless they don't see me. :?
Being able to grapple someone out of a charge is completely intended. It's not a bug or glitch or lag or anything.
For the lack of gunpower, Assassins have gained magic hands You should see them play some american football.
Yesterday i magically grabbed an assault mid dash as he was going for the support to my right and slightly in front of me. Didn't know it was possible. I figure it was just lag and he was actually already out of the dash, either way i didn't complain.
So it's intended to be able to grab an Assault while he's doing a level 3 charge directly at you, which has its own grapple? Right.
Wait, this game lets a target standing completely still grab a person that is charging that them at 20 mph. That's the equivalent to me being able to stop and lift up a car going the same speed. Conclusion: Game's playing BS or the Assassin has DNA from Superman. Take your pick.
But why does the assassin's grapple override the assault's charge 3 grapple? Is the assassin more important?