Because AI with guns in 3D games either: A)Suck B)Autosnappy Headshot you C)Hide behind chest high walls(GOW Sucks)
So what you're telling me is that people like to play zombie games because: A) The game's mechanics are clunky and difficult to control? That's a broad statement saying that they 'suck' and I don't really understand it. B) The mechanics for the guns are easy to use? This one blows my mind. You just told me you hate bad gun mechanics, now you hate easy ones? I understand in a multiplayer PvP setting but zombie games aren't really built around PvP. C) Chest high walls... Okay level with me for a second... Gears of War is NOTHING like Dead Space, L4D, Dead Island, or any of the other million horror/zombie titles out there. The only similarities I can think of is that you shoot a gun, and you reload a gun. Saying that I enjoy playing L4D because Call of Duty has an awful cover based system is nonsensical; by that logic, I can say that I hate sports games because none of them have a turn based battle system and none of them feature level ups, that just doesn't make sense. If it were that easy to compare games cross genre then I could say every game rips off Platformers because they all have pause menus. I get the point you were trying to make but your answers were a little vague. Care to contribute and not get my thread locked by derailing the sh*t out of it?
I'd think it's a little easier to kill zombies in a game then in real life. Although, I will agree with simplicity, nothing's more enjoyable than murdering a stupid person.
Check my achievements. The only non zombie game I have ever played on Xbox are Hexic and MNC. L4D 1 and 2, RE 4, CV, Dead Rising 1, 2 and its crappy DLCs, Plants vs Zombies... You call it.
Elaboration upon first post In some games AI wielding ranged weapons run forward mindlessly, and it just looks silly. Such a behavior is much more fitting of a zombie. In some games, the developers make up for the AI's incompetency by giving them auto lock on you. This destroys any stealth ideas, and usually means slowing the game's pace by either making you look for medkits constantly, or staring at a wall for 5 seconds while you regenerate body parts. With zombies, you need not worry about this, and only need to focus on not getting surrounded, rather than have ridiculous reflexes. Enemies hiding behind walls slow a game's pace, making you wait for enemies to peak heads out from behind a wall. Luckily zombies have no sense of self-preservation, and will not use cover, meaning you don't have to use cover. Cover systems honestly take so much potential from a game, by making a a slow blind fire fest. These are the reasons why someone might favor a zombie game over a nonzombie one, as the AI are much less tedious to deal with. Not saying nonzombie games are bad, but just giving a few reasons someone might prefer zombies.
I gotcha'. But even games with cover based systems still have great potential, Bulletstorm is a great example, most devs just don't comprehend the idea that well for some reason.