I played several pub games today where I got matched up with noobs every....single......match. It seemed like all of the "bot-level" people were put on one team while I got all of the people below level thirty. I joined several different games and it just kept happening. Even though I had horrible team mates, I lead my team in kills and money almost every game. In two games I went negative by one or two deaths because the idiots on my team had no idea what a secondary weapon, ejectors, or the annihilator was. Let me give you some examples to show how noobish these people were. One game I played assassin. I would push an entire bot lane back to the enemy base, juice, and destroy all of their turrets. My team mates sat in the base the entire match. It seemed that the people just didn't know how to play the game at all, or they just liked to hump the rocket turrets I built. It was annoying because I would go through and eliminate everything and they would just sit back in the spawn room and let the enemy have free roam. One game on Spunky Cola was hilarious. I played support and built a 3.3 rocket turret in our base. I put an unhacked firebase next to it. I killed juiced assassin after juiced assassin. It was hilarious because I ended the game with around 19 kills, 13 assists, and 11 deaths. Most of my kills were from my rocket turret and airstrikes. Just for fun, I just kept overhealing and staying close to the turret for the entire match and I still ended up with the most money. The closest person in money was around $1000 behind me. I got grappled by the assassins a few times, but my turrets usually killed them before the animation finished. I just don't understand why people just keep killing themselves. My question is, what do you guys do when you get put with noob players? I tried to join several different games and it was attack of the noobs. I don't consider myself to be that great, but I know how to play the game. When everyone does their job properly, I seem to do great (getting a k/d ratio of at least 5 to 1). But when I get put with noobs who don't know how to play their classes properly, I only do decently (k/d of 1-3:1). I am working on a noob guide right now and I am taking suggestions of what to add in the guide. I have sections of the guide related to turrets, bots, endorsements, playing offensively, playing defensively, general guidelines for each class, bacon, churros, speed pickups, etc. If you can think of anything to add or just want to throw out a tip for all of the noobs out there, please post.
The game's balance system is a bit naff. Sometimes I think it ignores the all star symbols and just bases it on numbers or something. Also when friends join lobbies they get paired with their friends. Which has its uses and downs. When I see a stacked team against me, I usually go tank. I can safely kill bots with my rail gun, spam product grenade at towers and use my juice to my best. I usually go even eg. 10kills and 10deaths and lose. All I can say is, I tried my best, I did my job, my team just couldn't follow up. I've see a lot of new players recently and I can see how they see the game. An arcade game, something that doesn't matter, not too many of their friends play it, so they don't play it often enough to like it or care. These "Noobs" are mostly people who got the game in the space of a week, give or take, played mostly Blitz and aren't bothered about playing to win. I mean the general feel of the game seems like a joke. Killing bright coloured bots, with silly characters, performing ridiculous stuff, all to destroy a huge moneyball. You could see why the average punter could care less. Just hold your head high and keep trying. Also, be nice. Maybe send some helpful tips, or something to get them to try harder. I usually get a spew of randy hate in my face but hey..
The other day I got a hate speech from somebody for being lvl 96. When I replied with "whatever dude", I got another speech where I replied with "I am muting you now." I kicked the guy's butt the next game and got some hatemail containing some very..... interesting and colorful language.
I remember playing a game on Spunky against you with my party and you managed to keep the moneyball up till overtime almost single handedly, i was impressed to say the least but being good means nothing when your team was as bad as yours was. You came third on your team and that might look bad but you had the most kills in the entire game and the only person who stopped me from destroying bots.
when i got a Bad team i Play Support and turtel until ot and try to get the ball destroyed or i play sin just to piss the Team off as hard as possibile
Play Tank. Support doesn't have the offensive oomph to hold back Pros and Bots on his own, which you will inevitably end up doing. He also is arguably the best counter-Juicer in the game. Offer friendly advice to your team-mates. No Lazers, hack Turrets, for God's sake heal me, push bots you impossible a*shole and stop facegrappling Tanks. You know, the usual. Spunky is the easiest level to carry a bad team on. You won't win easily, but the enemy will have a hell of a time pushing Bots past you. For me, Steel Peel is always the most difficult level to carry a team on, as you can be pinned inside your base very easily. You'll be a target for the other team. I hope you enjoy Snipers Juicing just to kill you, and only you. Try and get as much money as possible off the bad players on the enemy team. Ring-Out + Taunt = more skills more quicklyful. Charge 3 first. Product Grenade 3 is handy against Bots, but you'll need to CC Juicers. My 2
Easiest way to be Goku in a game. Good team member 1: What a n00by team. Why did it take so long. Good team member 2: I don't know. That one guy made it hard. Well, at least the scoreboard says our k/d is positive, while his score is... *Gasp* Good team member 1: What's with that look? What does the scoreboard say about his score. Good team member 2: *takes off headset* IT'S OVER 9000!@!@!@##@!#!$@!11!!@#11!! *CRUSHES HEADSET* Good team member 2: WwHhAaTtT!!! How was that possible?
I will take that as a compliment. I barely remember your gamertag. That was a good game even though I lost. What class was I playing? I have been switching back and forth between all of the classes lately and I would just like to know what class I am good with.
I think i was speaking to Amaze :lol: I feel kinda embarrassed for you now XD. I will say i remember your gamertag though and you weren't half bad. Just Amaze held off me, aTb RippeR, ChristmasInDuck and lamontbell1 for 15 minutes before getting decimated in overtime from a juice rush.
There's nothing to feel bad about though. It's all good! Btw, I like the CoD comment in yer sig. lol. Gross.
What do i do with noobs? kill them back to the tutorial .. thats why i do Make sure there never leave blitz mode! jk I recruit noobs and try and help them
I usually yell and curse at them about how they are causing us to lose. Then after the inevitable loss, I rant to the other team about how no matter how good you are, sometimes you just can't get out of the garbage ur buried in. No, really. I'll usually play support for the extra player (firebase) and the pushback power of well placed airstrikes. Tank is probably the better option, but I need more practice killing pros with him.