What things from TA do you miss in PA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ryanx1n, July 7, 2013.

  1. ryanx1n

    ryanx1n Member

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    There are a couple of things I really enjoyed in TA that don’t look like they will be in PA.

    No BLoD (Blue laser of death), the eponymous annihilator was one of my favourite units, granted a niche unit that didn’t see light of day for most games it had a great sound effect and was fun to see it popping goliaths given the opportunity.

    I also miss radar jammers I remember my first online game of TA (was lan only for a long time), where I managed to get a second jammed base up for a surprise attack.

    For those who played TA what stuff do you miss that doesn’t look likely to make it into PA?
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Radar Jammers BETTER make it into PA. They were my single favorite unit in TA.

    One thing I loved from TA that I really hope makes it into PA is alternative power sources. Solar, Geothermal, Wind and Tide made TA such an excellent game. It stood out from games like C&C where it was just "BUILD GENNO FOR ELECTROO."
  3. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Decoy Commanders
    Unit Variety
    Base Defense Variety
    Millennium Battles
  4. halander1

    halander1 Member

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    Honestly, Total Annihilation and Planetary Annihilation are 2 different games, i dont see why everyone wants PA to have a lot of stuff from TA, basically if you went in far enough with the TA stuff its basically just a mod to TA and not a hard worked on game by uber.
  5. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    However, Planetary Annihilation has already dubbed itself the "Spiritual Successor" to Total Annihilation. TA is widely considered the best (or one of the best) RTS out there. There's nothing wrong with looking at what worked really well with Total Annihilation and applying it to Planetary Annihilation.

    Having similar features doesn't make a game a mod of it. It doesn't even make it a "sequel" to it, which is in a sense of what I consider PA to be, albeit in an unofficial, subjective way.

    Honestly, I would rather see Planetary Annihilation adopt something that is already tried and true. And TA had a lot of these things.
  6. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Even if they were to copy TA completely, the new features promised would still make it a completely different/new game (orbital, several maps at once, astroid weapons, etc).

    PA is as mentioned coined as the "spiritual sucessor" of TA, offcourse people are going to compare them and wish for stuff they miss from TA. People even do that with supcom (as in, want things from supcom they want in PA).
  7. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    I don't want to sound harsh, but you know that you are comparing a finished game against an alpha build with 90% of features missing, right? This topic is pointless until we know what will part of the PA and what not, isn't it?
  8. ryanx1n

    ryanx1n Member

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    You don’t sound harsh, so no worries there :) but I do think your reasoning is flawed.
    PA has shown itself to be a game where the developers listen to the community, therefore if someone comes up with good stories around a feature they enjoyed in a previous game then that increases the probability that the feature will be in the game by a very small amount.
    I agree that PA should not be a clone of TA and if anyone here has something that they really enjoyed using in Dawn of War, C&C, Starcraft, etc please do start a thread to discuss it. However TA (and the UH mod) was the most fun I’ve had with and rts and has been stated as an archetype for PA so TA seemed like the best game to compare with to me.
  9. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    Yes, but I can't tell you what TA features I miss in PA because ... well for example I would like to see radar jamming and commander cloak. But I don't know if it will be in PA or not. Uber has several ideas in their mind that they didn't tell us until now. Will PA go the TA way for protection using (radar-)cloak or the SupCom way using shields? ^^

    Oops, that was the answer you wanted to hear, right? :lol: You lured my out of my defenses here.
  10. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    1. If you "would like to see radar jamming and commander cloak" that means that you miss those features = why wouldent you be able to tell that you miss that feature? You just did!

    Were not talking about things that you miss in the finished game (there are no finished game yet, so off course we cant comment on that) were talking about the things you currently miss thats not in PA (If you follow these forums you should hopefully have a somewhat clear image of whats currently ingame, even if your not a alpha tester).

    2. Supcom hade radar/cloak/stealth and sheilds, not just sheilds. (So saying that sheilds is supcoms way while stealth/cloak is TA's way is kinda weird, i used aloot of stealth in supcom, cybran ftw).

    3. there being "no sheilds" has allredy been confirmed in PA, however that dosent necessarily mean that they will add stealth/cloak/etc. They may come up with something new or simply leave it as it is currently (but i do hope they will do the stealth/cloak approach).
  11. zGeneral

    zGeneral Member

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    Radar Jammer
  12. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    As I said, standing in my on feet here. Sorry I'm stupid :roll:

    So yes. Radar jamming is a big thing.
    Imho shields are not needed in this game. TA, SupCom, FA and PA are all about intel. You have arty hats fires on radar targets. You can use jammers to counter that arty. You can then use scouts and visual contact to counter the jammer. Its a good balance and promotes player actions.

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