What the @#!& is going on here?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Doglasde0519, January 14, 2011.

  1. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    I don't know what it is, but every match I play now I'm getting absolutely stomped. In one match, inside the first 10 seconds I've got an Assassin in my base whose killed a long shot and a Laser turret I put up. Then the Assassin and a tank rip apart all of my bases turrets, and the game was over in about 2 minutes.

    This is the opposite of fun. I played 7 matches and it was the same thing every time. People just rushing my base and ripping it apart. And a whole bunch of spawn camping as well.

    What is going on with balancing? It wasn't like this right after the new DLC, so what is going on? Have all the d-bags stopped playing Halo and are now decending upon Monday Night Combat?
  2. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Just send some friend request to people on here with a message saying you from forum

    Playing with randoms will most likely get you stomped and frustrated.

    I have been on in the morning but probably won't be on much when school starts back up.
  3. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself New Member

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    it means your team sucks.
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  5. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Don't build lazers. Tanks use them as free juice machines with deploy. And assassins just get juice really fast, so just learn how to crowd control with ringouts and grapples.
  6. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    The Assassin was not juiced. The game had just started and there was the Assassin in my base. I have no idea how they did it.

    I'll admit part of the problem is the randoms I play with. The supports sit in our base guarding the firebase they've deployed. Completely ignoring the turrets that are being destroyed.

    But the match that I lost in 2 minutes was ridiculous. That was not my teams fault.
  7. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I think if an assassin just waltz in and wrecks your stuff, your team is obviously made of people who are used to team deathmatch.

    The scenario also tends to happen a lot on Grenade III arena. Pros pile onto separate lanes and completely forget about base defense.
  8. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    That is WAY more than "part" of the problem. Firebase-camping Supports are the WORST. :x :x

    This meant 2 things:

    1. A lot of people are partied up nowadays and it is very difficult to counter that alone.

    2. Send me a FR. I'm always looking for fun people to play with.

    P.S. I'm dead serious about the "fun" part. I don't enjoy playing with people who take video games serious and rage at every loss. :)
  9. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    Careful folks, he's serious about not being serious
  10. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I somewhat suspect this of being a duplicate account, though unlikely. He sounds like another scrub we had recently.

    I have nothing constructive to add. It's all been said.
  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Bet ur A** I'm serious. ;)

    What I got from that was that you just wanted to chime in and call this person a scrub. Wow.
  12. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    If you had nothing constructive to say then maybe you shouldn't have posted. This is not a duplicate account.

    I don't know who you think I am, but after being stomped in 7 or more matches in a row I was more than a little frustrated. I think I have the right to be a little upset.

    I honestly had two supports camping on the same firebase at one point. Who are these idiots! They do not listen. And I can't even destroy my teamates firebase to remedy the problem.
  13. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Eventually you will learn to take on 3+ opponents. As assault, I can take on a sniper, assassin, and another assault really easily. All you have to do is play defensively and let them initiate the first move. When the initiate an attack, you counter and push back harder.

    Learning to play rush offense is key to gaining ground. The best way to gain and claim ground is to make it so that the other team cannot defend it. You can do this through grenades, bombs, suppressive fire, traps, flak, etc. Basically when I take ground, the pros are going to be after me. How I fight them typically depends on the situation. Normally I try to draw them out of their hiding spots, let them get ripped apart by team mates, then take the ground and defend it.

    Learn to push bots. The more bots you have on the field, the better. Since the update, a lot of people have learned new strategies, so it takes some time to figure out how to counter those new tactics.

    Supports are really underpowered now, but I have seen some do very well as support. Through Gold RoF shotty and firebases, supports can be very good at holding off several opponents.
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I came across a support yesterday, with a mic, who WOULD NOT stop overhealing his firebase long enough to give me an overheal. Just told me "no" while I stood in front of him. I was playing tank, couldve used a little "support". I wont put his name up, but it starts with "nasty smokes" :lol: something like that. Dunno why people play support, but wont help their team out.

    I play support 99% of the time, and im a badass support :D That doesnt mean I get a buttload of kills, but my team stays healthy, and the enemy has a hard time getting any turret past lvl 1.

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