What more is there really to ask for?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Justice Pie, August 21, 2010.

  1. Justice Pie

    Justice Pie New Member

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    Aside from the obvious; more maps, original game types & the continuous support & updates for bug/glitch fixes. I have to reiterate what someone said about this game being 1 or 2 updates from being perfect. Maybe we could see more taunts, Pro tips & a variety of commentary so it remains fresh and doesnt get stale.

    If Uber ends up doing anymore to it, I have full confidence that they know what they are doing and I can only imagine they will do a good job. But please do not stop supporting it the way some companies do with their games. We are your fans, but dont forget that we need constant attention and we need to be left feeling like you still care.

    Keep up the great work and again, for probably the millionth time, thanks for Monday Night Combat!
  2. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Well, more stuff you can buy in-game would be cool. Like more turret types and such.

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