What is your favorite OR best 3 classes & why?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by iCatastrophe408, September 23, 2010.

  1. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    :arrow: This is a thread to post your favorite/best 3 PROs/Endorsements.
    This is mine in order (ROF=Rate Of Fire)

    1.Gunner; Gold:ROF , Silver:Armor , Bronze:Accuracy (Always gotta have a minigun shoot fast. Armor cause its always a good thing to have. & accuracy due to sometimes shooting farther distances or cleaner shots.)

    2.Sniper; Gold:ROF , Silver:Armor , Bronze:Clip Size (Rate of fire is always good for a sniper due to quicker shots. Armor so if a assassin or anything grabs me in the front I wont die so I have a chance to live. Clip Size for less reloading & works good with ROF.)

    3.Assassin; Gold:Armor , Silver:ROF , Bronze:Speed (Great for shooting turrets around a corner if your not cloaked or anything. Also it helps you if you get grabbed by another assassin from the front. ROF is mainly for the dagger or katana. Killing turrets,bots, & pros faster. Speed for a quicker in & out. HAHA nooo not a guy PERV XD :lol: )

    PS: Thinking about changing my assassin around due to a guide I read. I believe it was SaTaNiCxCaRnAgE. (http://uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3095) So a thought on that. Also a good guide if you like the tank is here by SHAMMAs: ([url=http://uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3098]viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3098)[/url]
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Rate of Fire is gold because I originally thought it healed/hurt enemies faster, but after I found out it didn't and switched it back, the shotty seemed to slow to fire. Got too accustomed to it, so I kept it that way. Good thing that'll change in the new patch. :twisted: I run silver armor because I don't like getting killed (even my custom Tank has Gold Armor, lulz). Skill recovery is so I can have more hacked turrets active.
    Gold armor prevents most Assassin backstab kills, allowing me to counter and (try to) get that Slam ring-out. Silver rate of fire makes sure I out-gun most gunners. Bronze accuracy gives me that extra accuracy I need for shooting that 1 health out of "the one that got away."
    Gold rate of fire is good for taking out bots, pros, and turrets in minimal time. Silver armor prevents frontside Assassin grapples from killing me. Skill recovery is essential for keeping those traps active.

    As for the other 3 classes, I really don't use them that often because (to be honest) I'm no good at them. All I would do as Assassin is backstab, I don't know how to run a Tank, and I just don't like the Assault because of the charge-grapple, so I never played him .
  3. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Gold: Armor
    Silver: Juice
    Bronze: Skills

    I have played this class for about 98% of my matches. Why? i am not sure, probably because i liked hacking turrets.

    <edit> now that i have seen the above post, i will probably replace Juice with ROF after the patch.

    Recently i started playing the Assassin. Same endorsements, this one is most fun to me if there is no lag. I am not that good at it yet, but getting better.

    I have played each of the other classes only once, with the exception of Sniper, i played him 5 matches or so, he will probably be the next one to focus on, though i am not really sure i can handle him. I was an excellent sniper on the PC, but i cannot seem to get that same accuracy on the XBOX, so i might give up on him.
  4. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    It really takes time to get time sniping on PS3,Xbox, & PC. They are all different. PC is the most different but ya. I have those same classes. I actually dont have juice on any. Assassin really doesnt need juice cause she gets juice fast as it is. Just destroy bots/turrets (Lazerblazers Lvl 2 below unless lvl 3 is hurt. Long shots & shavices are best. Dont try rocket unless you have juice. Or its not paying attention to you such as shooting your bots or another pro. As for sniping its wayyy different. There is a offensive sniper & a defensive sniper. A offensive is usually a spawn killing sniper who plants traps & kills bots turrets etc near their spawn. A defensive is where you camp back a bit farther & pick things off 1 by 1. Its out you work out. Im more offensive than defensive. So I rarely EVER camp back. I always love a good 1v1 duel towards someone. I hate cowards who run away like pusses.)
  5. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Assault- Gold- Skill recovery, Silver- Armor, Bronze Accuracy

    I like to play a "charge" based assault and Gold skill recovery helps with that and the all important bomb for throwing on the money ball.

    Silver Armor to survive frontal sin grapples and then charge/grapple them.

    Bronze Accuracy because it seems to help when I need to finish someone off with my unendorsed gun.


    Support- Gold Skill Recovery, Silver Armor, Bronze ROF

    Gold SR for my upgraded airstrikes and hacks, a must have for support imo

    Silver Armor for the same reason as the assault, I get giddy when the sin attacks from the front, fails, and I shot gun her to oblivion.

    Bronze ROF, simply for the shotgun


    Tank- Gold Armor, Silver ROF, and Bronze Speed

    Gold Armor is obvious, I need it for pushing the lanes. I'm always escorting my bots up to the enemies base and I need to be able to take damage, lots of it. (upgraded passive to 3)

    Silver ROF for the rail gun mostly, when I can't push the bots for whatever reason, I like to be able to harass snipers.

    Bronze Speed, because until I actually tried it at Bronze, I didn't know it helped that much. I see a huge difference, and it helps with lane pushing.

    Those are my 3 favorites to play, even though I'm better with Sniper and Gunner over the Tank.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Gold - ROF
    Silver - Skill Recovery
    Bronze - Juice

    Gold - Accuracy
    Silver - Armor
    Bronze - ROF

    Gold - Skill Recovery
    Silver - Speed
    Bronze - Armor
  7. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I started with the tank because I don't play console shooters, and he doesn't require as much stick aiming skill as most of the others

    Assassin for the speed and versatility. She's got a strong back.

    Gunner because he's less crippled by lag than the other two (these days I'll only bother playing assassin if I happen to get host)
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Really? Besides the sniper I've always felt that the tank railgun takes lots of stick aiming skill. Maybe you don't use it though.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Yeah, I mostly stuck with the jet gun. Even now that I can sort of aim, I just find the railgun incredibly boring
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Gold - Armor
    Silver - RoF
    Bronze - Clip Size

    This is my number one class right now. Gold armor doubles the sniper's health, which allows me to really get up in the front lines which people don't typically expect in a sniper. RoF and clip size let me take out turrets and bots faster, gives me an upper hand against other snipers, and gives the SMG a considerable boost in firepower.

    Gold - RoF
    Silver - Armor
    Bronze - Clip Size

    Obviously very similar to the above, with RoF and Armor switched. This is my class designed for simply being able to output a ton of damage to anything in sight.

    Gold - Speed
    Silver - Armor
    Bronze - Skill Regeneration

    A little class that I just started playing with. It'll probably be tweaked a bit but basically I'm trying to work out the best endorsement combination for a quick sniper.
  11. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I'm usually gunner, then assault, then sniper.
  12. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    It's in the siggy!
    Sniper is definitely best for me followed by assassin then tank, but I like playing assassin the best.
  13. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    1.Gunner - Clip Size, RoF, Accuracy. The ultimate suppression machine. Giggle as you unload half your clip and pretend your out of ammo with LT, tricks people everytime.

    2.Support - Skill Recovery, Armor, Speed. Firebase, Upgraded Turrets & Airstrikes galore.

    3.Sniper - RoF, Skill Recovery, Reload Speed. When things need to die fast.

    I was used to use Tank instead of snipe, but I got sick of the Railgun not being able to kill snipers in 2 hits (seriously, tank beating a sniper at his own game twice should be a kill).

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