Just a little joke on the looong thread about the best language to use after the nice architecture update shared by neutrino.
Regarding the result, the two worse are lua and VBScript. We already have lua for the interface so I propose to replace the python on the server side by VBScript ! :mrgreen:
How is Javascript even close to winning? Everything on that list except one has one redeeming feature: At least they aren't VBScript.
That's probably why most people didn't vote for it ! I personally never write Lisp code but reading it gives me headaches.
I'm gonna have to say Lisp, just because the variant of it, Racket, I have to use in my Intro to Program Design class I am taking now is evil. GODDAMN PARANTHESES!!!!!!!!!!!! [EDIT] I guess I should mention that the only languages I have more than negligible experience with are Lisp (in the form of Racket), Python, and javascript. I have used a little VBscript and Ruby, but not enough to really make any sort of judgement on it.
I think it will be rare here for someone to have enough experience in all of these to give a judgement that is not based on their own ignorance.
Google has hit the nail on the head. Even experienced programmers probably will not be that familiar with all of these.
That's why is just a "joke" thread. The question itself is quite ridiculous as the best language will obviously depends on what you want to do.