I suck as a gunner. I want to adjust. Any build for starting to learn how to claw. I assume Fire Armor acc. Any tips for proper clawing gunner would be appreciated.
If you suck at aiming, Armor/RoF/Acc. If you're getting good at aiming, Armor/Acc/RoF. If you want to be DeadEye, Acc/Armor/RoF.
Okay, nice sig then. Anyway, try running Clip size in bronze at first. Once you are comfortable with the extra dimension of aiming a clawing Gunner, use accuracy. The extra clip size for a clawing gunner who is just learning to aim will come in handy since you will find that you'll miss more than you used to. Armor/RoF/Clip then Armor/Rof/Acc
Or you could do what your buddy Chaos does, it seemed to work out rather well for him. Armor, Rate of Fire, Accuracy. No Diff on Chain gun between Gold and Silver RoF (that i've noticed). And you shouldn't be sniping with your gunner so your accuracy doesn't need to be higher then bronze. All Views and Opinions on the subject are likely to vary. Uberent does not support or endorse the views of ChaosFF7.
They do or should. I was witness to the amazing gunner skills for the times I did party with you. My biggest problem is i suck at aiming while i'm jumping. I'm testing out the sensitivity to it see if lower or higher will help.
No. Just because a Gunner doesn't use Gold accuracy, it doesn't mean we sucks at aiming. Does that mean all the best assaults suck at aiming because they use bronze accuracy? Armour/RoF/Acc is pretty much the generic build. It's great for holding your own against a mob of enemies as you have high health and decent slaying power. Other builds may be better (e.g Acc/Armour/Rate) , but not good for mortars or close combat. Start off with Armour/RoF/Accuracy. If you want to change it slightly to your play style that's fine. Just make sure you're not sacrificing too much (e.g don't use RoF/Accuracy/Crit as it sucks against decent people).
Make sure you have a support shoving a heal beam up your ******* the whole time. That's the way the pros do it
If I were you, I would start off with something like Armor/RoF/Your Choice. I play on a sensitivity of 2. When I first started to claw, I went into blitz and practiced clawing on blackjacks. After an hour or two of that, find some bad pubs and practice on them. Start using accuracy in the gold endorsement slot and go back to blitz after slaying some pubs with bronze accuracy. After you can claw with Gold Accuracy, you will do fine in all other situations. Here are a few of my gunner builds that I use on a regular basis: Armor/RoF/Health Recovery Accuracy/RoF/Armor (the deadeye build works well too, I just like more RoF) Armor/RoF/Accuracy (RoF and Accuracy can be switched) If you want to have some fun, you can run Speed/Armor/Accuracy for a hit and run class. Don't use it in competitives though. With gold speed, you can outrun assaults. With silver armor, you can take quite a few bullets. With accuracy, you can make your shots count. If you deploy a lot, you might want to use a build like Crits/RoF/Armor. After upgrading deploy, you have more crits and those crits do more damage. By deploying, your armor also increases.
as an afterthought, armor/RoF/clipsize is probably your best bet until you sharpen your aim some more.