What is a good strategy for taking out Tanks and Gunners?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by WithVengence, August 23, 2010.

  1. WithVengence

    WithVengence New Member

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    With the assault class.
  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Shoot them first. Seriously with your mobility advantage you can simply flank them and make sure that you keep your advantage. If you get in trouble, throw your bomb and retreat. If they follow, detonate your bomb and finish them off. If not, regenerate your health and attack from a different direction. Use your charge to move around quickly, in the air or on the ground, or knock them for an easy ring-out.
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Gunners: Shouldn't really be a problem, catch them off guard and the AR tears them up, if they're deployed use the Grenade Launcher.

    Tanks typically have a lot more health, you really need to combine Charge/Dash and either weapon. I always try to engage them at mid range where the Rail Gun is ineffective and the Flame gun is out of range. Grenade Launcher is good in general but usually not enough alone. Assistance from another player or tactical use of Dash/Bomb is paramount.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Don't meet them in a head-on battle. Try to get behind them or out of their line of sight and start shooting them first. With the right endorsements you'll be able to take them out before they can to much damage to you.

    Don't be afraid to run. Use the charge to get away faster if you need to and plant your bomb on your way.
  5. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    throw your bomb at them to either stick or make them commit to rushing you or back off.
    mix jetpack zigzag with ground zigzag . strafe i mean.
    try not to fight them for long. get the first shot. once the barrels on their gun starts going hope you kill them or back off and make them chase you.
    i myself strafe while blind firing , jumping into flight, aiming down the sight, and dashing , while still throwing my bombs. try to keep upper ground, give him less to shoot at while he looks huge down there. if he has dual miniguns, either rethink confronting him or get back up. best bet is to come up at his blindside so by the time he sees and shoots you hes almost dead.
  6. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Gunners = flank

    Tanks = midrange AR

    it's seriously as simple as that. The assault has an incredible advantage on the tank matchup especially unless you're dealing with a tank with a railgun who has experience noscoping from Halo 3.
  7. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    I play Gunner primarily and honestly other than Snipers, good assault is probably most annoying because a good custom classed assault's AR will deal some serious damage. Most often, if I die from an assault, it's because they've kept distance until an opportune moment, and then closed the gap (not head on, to avoid minigun fire) fast enough or from the right angle to take me out.

    I don't suffer many deaths from bombs, as a gunner who is paying attention shouldn't be taking hits from them. It's easy enough to spot a bait. Or if you're going to use the bomb, use it as an opener. Rattle the gunner/catch him on fire a little and then change your angle.
  8. maven00

    maven00 New Member

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    As a heavy tank player, I'll always win if Assault comes at me head on. If Assault flanks me at mid-range with AR, I'm toast. I can always tell who the good players (of any class) that tries to keep me at mid-range. Like what has been mentioned before, charge/ring-out is your friend. My HP always goes zero (even if I'm 100% before the charge) if you ring me out.

    Also, something that people forget is an option is retreat. MNC is not a deathmatch. Kill me two times over, but just don't kill my bots.
  9. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I find the rail gun to be very effective, at close, medium or long range. Played against a really good tanker last night who was absolutely deadly with it.

    Gunner you need to catch when they aren't looking or throw a bomb/airstrike on them.

    Tanks, need to be whittled down, knocked out of ring, stuck with bomb or AS
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Railgun has a drop off range and it's long range. There have been many times where I though an enemy was in range and but shots weren't giving any damage. So if you are getting hit by a railgun it's a mid-ranged gun fight.
  11. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    No. Unless your definition of mid range is across Grenade 3 from L2 bridge to R2 bridge. Because I railgun clear across the map on a very consistent basis. You might just miss a lot at that range, but you definitely still deal damage.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ok I'll give you an example. On Steel Peel you cannot hit someone with a railgun from door to door both of us standing by the turret nodes. I have tested this in Private matches.

    Long range to me, with the average size of MNC maps, is from base to base.

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