What in the hell happened to this game????

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lepton, January 14, 2011.

  1. Lepton

    Lepton New Member

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    I loved this game when it came out. You would get stomped sometimes but then you'd always have your streaks of wins too. Now its just a stomp fest. Did the super nerds invade this game like call of duty? You know, the ones that play 5 hours a day 7 days a week and always join the same team so casual players don't have a chance?

    Also, what the hell kinda changes were made in the last patch? I like playing support and the class is so ridiculously underpowered now its close to a joke. I spend 1000 to put up some rocket turrets and one juiced assassin comes in and destroys them each with two hits. What the hell are the developers thinking?

    My heal gun is a completely joke. I can't heal anyone or anything through any kind of real damage. Hell earlier today I was trying to heal my firebase from an assassin's ranged disc attack and I couldn't even do that and I had my support upgraded to level 2. Additionally my shotgun an heal gun are the equivalent of taking on a tank with a BB gun.

    Also, have hackers infested this game or did the developers just start drinking every day when they were working on the last patch because I have been in games where the other team is juiced half the time. There is absolutely, positively no way that that they EVER could have gotten juice fast enough to be juiced as much of the time as they were. And then of course the assassins kill all my turrets that I spent the entire game earning in two hits. That really just boggles the mind. I mean some guy somewhere who is a developer of this game was actually sitting at his desk one day and said to himself "you know I think it would be good if assassins could take out turrets in two hits which would take half a second when they were juiced." It truly boggles the mind. HOW could you possibly give a class the power to undo the work of another class that took half the game to earn, and to do it in a half a second with two hits? Do the developers just have no interest in the support class at all? Was anyone who plays support consulted on this? Assassins get juice fast apparently, and thats bad enough, but then you are going to make them so powerful that they can literally wipe out 1000 worth of towers in 2 seconds with 4 hits??????? My brain hurts just thinking about it. And don't even get me started on an assassin being able to kill in one hit. Thats just developer noobness. It makes no sense, is frustrating, and makes me want to stab myself in the face with a spork. And also snipers being able to kill tanks and gunners in one hit to the head. They wear big *** metal suits. How about you give em helmets MmmmmK?

    This game has just been completely destroyed. If you want proof look at how many games are just stomp festivals now. There are almost never good balanced games anymore where its back and forth. Thats why you start out with 6 on and 6 and by the end its usually 2 on 6 because 4 people have left from the team getting stomped. Also you may have noticed that less people are online playing. People will not "play" a game when they are just getting decimated game in and game out. Its not fun, its frustrating and it makes you feel foolish.

    Please tone down the damage, put down the vodka, and rebalance the classes in this game. As it stands now its a complete joke. And if you happen to be one of those people that play this game 5 hours a day and has dreams about it and you think everything if fine because you go 30 and 2 every game, please do NOT reply this thread, stop playing this game, and go play call of duty. Thank you.

    In ending, I want a FUN, CASUAL shooter to play where I can simply get on line and still have a chance to win with a pickup team. At the very least give us an option to join a game where parties aren't allowed to play together, or for the love of God lead the video game industry and actually maybe hire a statistician and have him devise a way of determining the skill of players by their scores and segregate people into three groups, the noobs, the casuals, and the nerds. Billions of dollars go into video games every year and yet no game developer yet has had the common sense or the know how to implement a working skill based matching system so the casual player can actually enjoy their game and not be cannon fodder for those with no life.

    Honestly as it stands now this game would be SPECTACULAR if they removed the assassin and sniper classes. I would play this game all the time then, but these two classes, especially assassins are ridiculously balanced its laughable.

    I feel better now. Back to getting stomped.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    wow massive wall of dribble.
    i guess i'll start with what we agree on the support. yes i think the support is slightly underpowered now.

    now on to the rest of your sorry excuse of a post.
    most of the problems you bring up have nothing to do with the update.
    assassins have allways been able too take down turrets fast.

    what has drasticaly changed is the skill of players that have stuck around. and yes people have formed teams too pubstomp with just like in any other game.

    when this game came out only a few people understood all the possible ways too get juice. now that is common knowlege wich is why you see more people juiced.
  3. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Oxyteam ruined the community.
  4. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    The only thing I got out of that wall that I care about at all is pub stompers. It's gotten so out of hand. Average kids refuse to play without at least 4 friends, yet quit out if the game looks even close to even.
  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    You want a game where no matter how much practice or knowledge you have, it's always a 50/50 game? Go play LCR, Sorry, or Mouse Trap. This is a skill-based game, so people with high skill will naturally beat low-skill players. Literally every skill-based game is like that. I certainly was on the slower side of development, but I liked the game enough to do what I need to get better.

    I can confidently say that this is a reasonably balanced game at the highest levels of play. I've been there, albeit not often. Only by getting skilled at a game can you find its true depth, what it really is. You seem to want shallow games of no skill or depth. If this is true, kindly stop playing, please.
  6. Govnerplatypus

    Govnerplatypus New Member

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    It's called skill. Apparently you either went to play a different game while most of us became better or you a have a learning curve thats flat.

    By the way, Welcome to the Forums with your first post here. :D Nice way to introduce yourself, buddy.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i'm willing to bet kids quit out of games your in more likley because your in it.
    what average player wants to play against one of the best gunners in the game with a bunch of randoms on his side? balieve me i have beaten you in pubs before and lost too you. nomatter what the outcome your gunner is always a pain in the azz.
  8. quizzical

    quizzical New Member

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    I see where he is coming from.

    I stopped playing back in late August. Just before I left I was going 30-4 and tearing it up with just about any class I chose. Games were still even though. There weren't many games that ended in the first five minutes.

    Since I've been back for a few days, I can tell a lot of the casual players moved on to the newer games and the die hard fans stayed. Because I see players doing things like tank juicing and sniper spawn camping that just flat out didn't happen when the game started because it wasn't discovered or perfected yet. Teams of 3-4 friends going flawless until they finally stop laughing at my team's inability to fight back that they end our misery.

    It's really completely natural in any multiplayer game nowadays. I still have fun games though. Sure, I get stomped every once in awhile by some expert sniper who seems to have a trap placed in every single spot I try running through. But a few games later I'll go 25-7 and my team will beat his.

    Just the lifespan of a game, my friend.
  9. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Sorry, but it's your fault

    1. Have you got ROF on your Support class?
    2. Learn to crowd control. With effective crowd control, a juiced Assassin is getting one turret MAX
    3. Shotgun is more powerful than ever
    4. If there's a competent Sniper on the other team, don't go mowing people down with a Minigun out in the open
    5. Don't deploy out in the open
  10. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I'm guessing the OP was angry after a series of bad games when he posted, and I'm sure we've all been there. However, he does have a point about balance issues. A good, balanced game is extremely rare because the lobby does such a bad job of balancing teams. I hope this is something that Uber address in a future patch, because when teams are balanced this is one of the best games I've played.

    I know it's not an easy fix, but the lobby does some things very obviously wrong, like not rebalancing teams if people leave in the last 10 seconds before match start when the teams have been selected, so the match starts 6v4 or worse. Rebalancing teams every round, based on skill level and players results from previous rounds, would also lead to more exciting matches. Currently good players who happen to get teamed up together end up staying together match after match, as the weaker team repeatedly rage quits and gets replaced by new players, often mid match where their team is already getting stomped.

    Support: he was overpowered pre-DLC in terms of offensive options and juice gain. Use gold Rate of Fire to increase your heal gun rate - you will be able to outheal most damage. It will also make your shotgun much more deadly. You can kill tanks with the shotgun, but you have to be clever and skillful to do so. He's one of the best close range damage dealers in the games, so that's totally justified.

    Assassin: stay on the move, bunny hop when you hear them so they can't grapple you, stay near a 3.3 firebase so it drills them full of lead if they do grab you, shotgun them and you'll 1 or 2 shot them every time. Personally I find assassins are the least threatening class in the game, although maybe because 99% of them are terrible.

    Sniper: there's only one way to deal with a good sniper. Stay out of sight until you can close the distance. And again stay mobile and make yourself a harder target to hit.

    EDIT: What Ian said, in about 5000 less words than me. And avoid him and his damn SMG too. Those bullets sting ;)
  11. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I'll put on Gold SMG Accuracy next time, just for you <3 Maybe Clip Size, too. Bronze Crit shots? BAI BAI, Tank
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Ian, exactly how much of those umad pics do you have?
  13. Einarath

    Einarath New Member

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    I feel like I'm always hearing people say that the "casual MNC player" has left the game. This does not seem true to me in the slightest. :?

    I mostly do random pub matches by myself, and I pretty much always seem to be the only prestige'd person playing. Sometimes there is a slim bot or two, but I'm always playing against people that are obviously casual players of the game (and not just in terms of level, but their play style as well).

    I don't understand at all why people are saying there are no more casual MNC players left. :|
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    As long as 4Chan lives, I shall have endless supply on Google Images
  15. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    I feel the mans pain. I got stomped in 7 or more matches in a row. I'm honestly ready to leave this game until the next DLC.

    I just want to be paired up with a team that is on par with my skill, and play against a team on par with my skill. I like those close overtime matches. But lately I'm getting paired up with teammates who act like they've been eating lead paint most of their lives. I don't mind losing I just hate getting stomped and generally eviscerated.
  16. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Literally the only thing that changed with the patch that matches up with your complaint is the H/H gun, which is now dependent on RoF. Rokkit turret prices were halved, and everything else you mentioned has been unchanged since before the DLC.

    If you don't want to get stomped in the majority of public matches, you're going to have to party up with some other players or get better.
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I'm laughing at the assassin vs turret rage, especially since rocket turrets were buffed post DLC, and assassin juice gain rate has always been this way, and is still by far the easiest juiced pro to deal with since they will be going for melee range kills in 99% of games.
  18. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    I was listening until I got to the bold part. Maybe you should be the one that goes and plays Call of Duty, since you claim to be a casual gamer. That's a casual gamer's paradise. Enjoy.

    As for being stomped in pubs, sure there needs to be a way for it to balance people and track players skill based off their win/loss, k/d, and earnings but there isn't. The game is probably too small to split the population like that.

    You'll find games with just random people eventually, just keep searching.
  19. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    You forgot to mention that the DLC added the ability to kill Juiced players. EPIC JUICE NERF!
  20. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    A Juiced Assassin is a glass cannon. One Shotgun round will take off three-quarters of their life, and the base you've been carefully maintaining - you keep a hacked Firebase around when enemy Assassins are Juicing, right? - will do the rest. Or, Shotgun grapple him for the hilariously improbable scenario of a rotund Italian gentleman slowly elbowing a 'roid-rage'd ninja in the face.

    Or, lrn2play nub. Whichever seems easier.

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