My question is, what happens when uber put in a feature or a functionality that is currently done by a mod. So let say the modbatch for example. Will the mod automaticaly turned off? Because when its still running it will cause problem, i persume...
Has anybody yet figured out good conventions for writing integration tests for mods? That would be useful in quickly checking whether a new patch has broken your mod.
I have completely no idea how to do such tests in general, if you have figure out a nice way I'd very interested into it Currently I just start PA and the debugger and try if it still seems to work + I read svn diffs of the UI code changes.
I'll try and do some experiments. It might be possible to run Jasmine's SpecRunner or similar inside PA UI. The hard thing is figuring out how to write tests for a mod when you can't control the game. Maybe consumer contracts could be used.