Due to a wacky Microsoft screw up I have two XBL accounts, one for single player games and one for multyplayer. The Gold ran out on my multyplayer account and I'm trying to migrate back to my original account now but there's on thing wrong, MNC only seems to register as being on my X-Box on the old multyplayer account. Now I don't mind buying it again, it's a great game and I've had a lot of fun playing it it's just really annoying and money consuming is all.
If you have two controllers there is an easy fix for this. Take controller 1 and sign in with the tag that has the game. Take controller 2 and sign in with the profile you want to go online with. Now just use controller two....oh wait that might not work considering you can have a split-screen. Well it's worth a try, I never went split-screen in MNC before so I am not sure how it works.
It's not that great, especially when you play on an old 15 incher like me. Plus your team will be at a -1 player disadvantage if it works at all...
Why did you need two accounts? Have you tried transfering all of your licenses to your current console? That might help.
No what I meant was like does having a second controller in mean automatic split-screen or, like in Gears of War, does the other controller needs to press start to play. If it is the press start to play then it will work. All you are doing with the first controller is signing in with the account that has the full game. You are playing online with the second controller/profile.
I've had this happen to me before and what always worked for me is sign in with both accounts start up the game and usually you just sign out of the account that owns the game and it works just fine for the account that doesn't. so just sign in both start up MNC then sign out of the silver account
My original account was no longer able to support Gold somehow and the Techie just told me to make a new one rather then bother trying to get it fixed. Let me try that...
If it's the same console, and you bought it on this console, you should find it in your Games Library. It'll be available for use by any account on that console
Unless the account you're using has switched consoles in any way. It happened to me when me and my brother used to share an xbox i can't play any games he bought because I've transferred my account around unless he signs in first