What games does Monday Night Combat remind you of?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by cazoofoo, August 3, 2010.

  1. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    I was personally just wondering what games do you think are similar to MNC gameplay wise?
    The obvious answers would be something like, Team Fortress 2 or some kind of Defence Of the Ancients but personally this heavily reminds me of: Conker Live and Reloaded's multi-player. God i loved that game so much, the single player was VERY different from the multi-player. Single was a funny and rather rude plat former however multi was a 3rd person class-based shooter...

  2. Sengoku no Maou

    Sengoku no Maou New Member

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    Defense of the Ancients
  3. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Monday Night Combat.
  4. AAA

    AAA New Member

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    Hmmm... I've only been lurking here for a short time, and a member even less, but considering how much the creators worked to create their own game, this seems like a loaded gun... OH WELL!

    Crackdown (Click!)
    Defense of the Ancients (Click)
    Battlefield (Click!)
    Team Fortre- (BOOM!!)
  5. Black Dragon

    Black Dragon New Member

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    Well it does remind me of a certain game which involves Teams and Forts but thats mainly due to the art style rather than the actual gameplay.
    Speaking of gameplay though it really reminds me of Conker: Live and Reloaded on the original xbox, it didn't have bacon, but it did have gory headshots.
  6. mrman165

    mrman165 New Member

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    Hmmmm? what's that 1 game called again? OH Yeah! Team Fortress numba 2
  7. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    Gameplay wise it honestly reminds me most of Team Fortress 2. I'd jump on a server with a friend or two and we'd be our own little group, pounding it out above the rest, and herding the other players, often without mics (the bots) to help us get to the enemy control point, or escort the payload (or destroy their moneyball).

    And the fact that TF2 now has a bot system is kinda eerie...
  8. Cantido

    Cantido New Member

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    It's Brutal Legend with GUNS.
  9. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Same, and to people who say its Team Fortress 2 thats only due to the art style and this is set in the future on a deadly gameshow whereas tf2 is based in the 40's with two rival companies and the gameplay is nothing like each other...
  10. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    reminds me of TF2, LOCO, and Fusion Frenzy
  11. Arbita

    Arbita New Member

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    Without, metioning art style MNC is reallly similar to TF2. Reasons:
    1- Classes- Extremely similar classes, with similar abilities to one more classes. A few are blatant ripoffs (no offense devs). I even made a chart (kinda).
    Assualt-Demoman, Every balanced class ever in a shooter
    Sniper-What do you think?
    Support-Medic, Engineer
    Gunner-Heavy, with a rocket or grenade launcher launcher (Sorry, I don't know which)
    And the Pitgirl looks like a female scout, but I digress.
    2- Gameplay- It safe to say that it's got similar objective based gameplay. Not the same same, but similar.
    3- Art style- Yes, this too. It has the same Incredibles (Pixar movie) vibe in the character

    Despite the fact that you agree on the 3rd, I would suggest you playing TF2 (on the Xbox 360 Orange Box release) because of your lack of experience (evidently). :mrgreen:
  12. lordnovas

    lordnovas New Member

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    I think it's very similar to the game League of Legends but the action/ebb flow is almost Natural selection like.
  13. AAA

    AAA New Member

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    Damn... Now I wont be able to play assault without seeing the ice guy from the Incredibles... Anyone wanna side by side them? Also... The Assault is a high risk, high reward rushing class. The Demoman was built to stop rushes. Aside from the charge and a grenade launcher, his playstyle seems more adept for rushing, not defending. He may have comparable weapons, but his gameplay is unique.
  14. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Personality wise the characters are very different and game play wise they are as well, your trying to dot the dots for a picture that's just not there. Many games have that sort of class system anyway *cough conker live and reloaded cough*

    In conker there was:
    There was sneaker wich used a katana and dagger, he cloaked, disguised, was fast and ninjary.
    There was a heavy which could beserk and had a bazooka.
    There was a sniper who umm, sniped.
    There was a foot soilder with a rifle and grenade launcher.
    There was a Jockey who flew vehicle's
    There was... alot of classes that were simmilar to this game: OMFG TF2 ISA RIPPIN OFF CONKER!?!?!&^ :eek: :shock: :eek:

    You can pretty much do the same thing for every game i exsistence :roll:

    EDIT: and yes I have played and thoroughly enjoyed TF2 on my cpy of the orange box for years now... *facepalm*

    EDITY EDITY: Also I don't want to argue on my thread so: Either quit yo' bitchin' or get outa mah kitchen!
  15. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    And so it begins.......
  16. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    I did an in depth comparison with a few friends, and I would change a few of these around. The Assassin, Sniper, Support, and Gunner are easy to figure out. The Tank is Pyro + Soldier, able to set things on fire and rush into combat easily. The Assault is more like the Demoman + Scout. I've only seen one video on Gametrailers make use of it, but the Assault's Y skill, the jet pack, is very good as a double or even triple jump and can be easily used to skip around on rooftops. Or, in the case of the recent dev playthrough, save yourself when a Tank kills himself trying to charge you.

    And with that you have all 9 classes accounted for, and all in such a way that it makes the less versatile classes' mechanics (Pyro and his range, Engy and his buildings' mobility) less of a problem.

    Which reminds me, what does the Support do when he wants to move his turret but he left it built on the other side of the map. During PAX East I found you couldn't self destruct it, but instead have to go all the way back to it and pick it up (very annoying when I died during a push and had dropped it around a corner for some reason), or wait for someone to destroy it for you. Does that still happen now?
  17. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    I know I'll get hell for saying it but it really reminds me of TF2 a lot.

    Now not in terms of gameplay, but in the sense that it has that light-hearted humor.
  18. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    The game reminds me a bit of S4 League, google images should show you how it plays which is arena styled matches of CTF and domination style game types, also has that anime style do everything and a mix of weapons aka classes.
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Ok.... I'll bite...

    How do you relate the Tank to the Soldier?
  20. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    You can play as both of them. :x

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