I remember seeing asteroids in the kickstarter trailer and i would think that you could just put down some asteroid preset or something.
how shall they look like in your opinion? theoreticaly you can already make them by simply adding a number of small planetoids on the same orbit ... how should asteroids differ from the gameplay we already have ?... also welcome to the forums
Most people think it should be some sort of easy to place ring of asteroids, where I'm guessing not all are landable on; only the larger ones are. This means the game does that have to render all the game play stuff on asteroids not able to be used. I guess?
Welcome to the Forums. Here are a few threads on this topic. Here are a few more. As far as I know they are still a planned feature.
one could argue it would brake the "wysiwyg" phylosophy ... personaly i could see them with relclaimable rocks in the orbital layer of the asteroids or have smaller asteroids being reclaimable by orbital fabbers ... someone else suggested them being generated while playing having a appearing number of tiny landable rock missiles ...
My vision of what an asteroid belt would be in this game is pretty much just a ring of tiny asteroids that can't be directly interacted with except with a new T2 unit (pulled from the kickstarter video and mixed with the Rosetta mission lander) that would land on it to develop engines. Once your unit approaches the belt, an asteroid (of size, say 20, something tiny) would render and become a valid target for nukes, which would destroy the asteroid in a single hit (possibly more) hit(s). But that's it. Gravity is too low to allow other units to orbit or land (there can be an animation where your special engine lander uses harpoons like the Rosetta lander). This way asteroid belts can exist and be different from planetoids. You can make the belt be infinite, or have a predetermined number of uses before it is exhausted and no longer contains usable asteroids. When a planet gets annihilasered or annihilated completely by planet smashes, a new asteroid belt with limited (like, 1-3) uses can form. The main issue with this plan is rendering of the asteroids on the fly possibly bogging down sub-par computers/servers.
no need to theorize anymore devs said it was this update. it wasn't, but I guess it means it's the next then.