What Could The New Pro Be?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by XxXMullin13XxX, July 14, 2010.

  1. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    Was wondering if anybody had any ideas or suggestions over the new seventh pro which would be a dlc package.

    question: will crossfire change to 6v6 to 7v7 because of this
  2. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    I was thinking a recon type character.

    Basically he would be an alternative to the Assault, He would be faster but less HP or something.

    Weapons would be an SMG and a Shotgun, And maybe a combat knife that he could use during grapples.

    It's really hard to think of skills for a character without playing the game, I was thinking a sticky grenade like the Assaults as one of them but I think two characters should not share the same skills.

    Pretty much his low HP would encourage him to sneak around with his speed and shotgun, Using the SMG in front on firefights.

    It's pretty hard to think of new stuff because all the characters already cover most areas.

    I'm sure if Uber decided to do this and asked for ideas my idea of a Recon would be more refined by then after playing the game and having a better think about it.
  3. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    I agree, it seems like he /she would be a scout type character. Im thinking for weapons it would have maybe a baseball bat and baseballs. For skills, one would make your baseballs explosive, your passive would add damage to robots and turrets and increase your speed. Another skill would allow you to hit your baseballs with your bat for added damage and range. Your other skill adds things to your bat for each level (like making it hit harder and add spikes)

    Just an idea. Maybe you could make the bat enhancement part of the passive and then make a deployable spy bot as a skill that has explosives rigged to it.
  4. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    NO bats, thats too TF2.

    Instead how about an american football player? Very "Ocho Cinco-esque". Wears a helmet, has pads, throws grenade-footballs...and gives area-buffs to teammates (like a good quarterback).
  5. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    What would you call him smitty (brady or manning perhaps) nice idea with grenade footballs btw
  6. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    What would you call him smitty (brady or manning perhaps) nice idea with grenade footballs btw
  7. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    He would be "The Captain"
  8. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    We should probably give the Assault an eye patch and the Assassin a packet of cigarettes while we are at it.
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    It will be the Phantom of the Arena.

    Primary Weapon: The Candle Stick, can be upgraded to a small chandelier
    Secondary: The Curtain: can be thrown to trap and immobilize an opponent for a short time

    Skill 1: The Voice: slows enemy players in a wide radius, on level 3 a short stun.
    Skill 2: The Mask: Phantom can teleport a short distance, at level 3 he can vanish into a trapdoor in the floor to avoid damage for 5 seconds.
    Skill 3: Dynamite: Phantom can throw TNT at enemies.
    Passive: Enemies get no criticals, on higher levels reduced rate of fire as well
    Last edited: July 14, 2010
  10. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    I know it sounded like TF2 but i think another melee pro would be nice.
  11. slayer52314

    slayer52314 New Member

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    i beleive the new pro in moday night combat could be the pilot a flying class with skills in earo dynamics his main abilaty would be a function that allows him to fly this will make him a easy target for snipers or gunners however he will be able to easly move across the battle field his primary weapon could be missiles on a backpack makeing him more like a human jet then a charicter the missiles should have some power and homeing ability however not too much as they make become overpowered his secondary weapon could be a simple machine gun which his backpack changes to by folding in the missiles this will give him a weapon change animation the other 2 abilaties could be something like after burner where he jets of at full spped while staying on the floor surrounding him in fore and his third ablity could hve him jetting of into the air and doing a straight forward nosdive which is powerful but leaves him dazed momenteraly from the impact i beleive this idea would be good because it is new and would add a new level of play

    basic guide
    primery weapon:missiles
    secondary weapon:mounted machine guns


    his juice mode could act as a turbo fuel which allows him to move at enhanced speed i would suggest makeing him with a general pilot charector model or something more futeristic please consider this suggestion :p
  12. slayer52314

    slayer52314 New Member

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    note if you do use this idea i will be extremely happy but i will hold no grudge if you say it is completely your idea im just happy to help
  13. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Another way to look at it, other than new gameplay opportunities, would be to consider the new pro's personality. We've got a lot of the general archetypes already

    Assault: cool and confident
    Tank: battle-hardened grunt
    Sniper: intelligent and egotistical
    Support: goofy yet philisophical in the realm of water sports? (jet ski quip)
    Gunner: gentle giant
    Assassin: silent killer

    So what unique charm could the 7th pro offer? Some sort of underdog or rags-to-riches story? Fan that won the grand prize and gets to become a pro? Last generation pro coming out of retirement?
  14. slayer52314

    slayer52314 New Member

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    i would say the pilots personality would probably be very milatary or tactical so quite serious ocaisionaly shouting out milatary phrases such as tango down just after he blasts them into the next game show
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Eeeeeh...I haven't got a clue.

    But if there was going to be another Pro, he/she should be DEFINITELY British, since you guys changed the Assault's accent.
  16. slayer52314

    slayer52314 New Member

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    P:S he could also have some kind of secret side story of his own that he was a older contestant that never won a match now he comes back with his earo dynamic gear to get to that cashball
  17. Stroodlez

    Stroodlez New Member

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    should have a gunslinger class
    weapons, a bolt action rifle and akimbo magnums
    skills can be TNT, Fly, and Lasso
    passive can be he shoots faster and swaps weapons faster
    and he can have something similar to the assault outfit but with a cowboy hat ;)
  18. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Somebody been playing a little too much RDR lately hmmmmm? ;)
  19. Stroodlez

    Stroodlez New Member

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    you got it ;) had it on the mind, thought i'd add my idea
  20. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Meh...I'll give it a go but:

    I was thinking of a some sort of "hypnotist" class which could turn robots, turrets and enemies against the players or against each other. Not sure how it would work though.

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