So I'm back after a 6 month hiatus and been watching some awesome Youtube gameplay videos. Was curious what differing people consider their required mods? Player limit, Notes, Alerts, Management, etc. What mods get you that added edge in multiplayer?!?
Auto Factory Chrono Click Keybind Extensions (Keyex) Missile Command PA Stats Small Pause Dialogue Super Select Strategic Hello Kitty Icon - Commander (Easier to see, and funny) Unit Database
Thanks Coldboot, I'd used a couple of those, but am definitely checking out the others. Stuart98, how goes it yo?? Had to search for Secret Mod, but assuming that's Guma Guma Slide, you crazy... Those mod creators, crazy... That mod, pretty fuckin crazy... lol
No, Secret Mod is a secret mod that has not yet been officially announced (Hence why it is known as Secret Mod) that reworks the design of the game completely.
PA:Stats online, and continuous build are only two I use other than visual stuff. Auto factory is a really really bad idea imo, because it over writes your build orders.... I'd rather pick what units I want!