I have read through a lot of freeze, and crash topics, but I could't find one, which addressed this one. I can normally start the game, everything is fine in single player, but when I play in crossfire mode, I get random framerate drops (and yes it's totally random). Well not that random, because I can play for the first few minutes fine (in a match), but then through mid- and endgame, my framerate just drops to 0 or 1, (with 10-15 second intervals) and I get a slideshow... If I stay too long in a game, the server disconnects, or the game just crashes. Oh, and the game eats up 1000000 kb of my memory. Specs: Windows 7 32bit AMD Phenom x2 5200+ 2 GB Memory ATi HD4670 And I did roll back my gfx driver to 10.8, still getting this issue. PS: Excuse me if my English is bad, I'm not a native speaker.