We play privates, and you can Too!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Reanimated Ace, June 8, 2011.

  1. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Just wanted to add a thread and link to Chronicle(insert random caps and numbers)'s at the same time.


    We've been turning up the volume of private matches, and they're definitely keeping things semi-organized. It's been fun, and for alot of people, they seem to be really enjoying the atmosphere as opposed to the public crossfire scene. If you haven't played in a private match before, please don't be afraid to try and be a part of this. We're all gamers, and eveyrone that wants to be a part of something should be given a chance.

    If you've never played in privates before, there are really only a few things you have to know. The first is to just generally behave. Nobody is going to harrass you or treat you like dirt if you don't do it first. The second is to just be willing to accept consctructive criticism/advise. If you're in a situation where you're not sure what you should be doing, somebody can point you the way. Last night, there was a level 6 guy in the privates, and he was totally healing a tank and sitting in the base while our gunner was getting shot up. I simply let him know, that he should try to follow the gunner out of the base and keep him healed while he's out on the field. He said "OK" and that was that.

    What I hope to get out of this is a couple people who maybe thought that the people running and playing in private matches are "out of their league". For the most part, if these guys played on-class and on one team, they could very much stomp everyone in their wake. But, we divide up the teams, alot of people haven't been playing their main classes, and we play to win but have a good time.

    If you're interested, definitely post in Chronicle's thread, and or in here, and we'll make sure you're not ignored. Don't be afraid to get better at a really great game.
  2. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    As long as the host is solid.
    Oh, I forgot. I don't have fiber optics yet.
  3. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Light, are you in the UK?
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    maybe it wasn't you but i could have sworn I was in a party chat with you and you were upset about the criticism given as a support.

    who was a level 6 in the privates?
  5. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    yough or something (Level 6 as of last night).

    Only time I've gotten a little irked from a comment while I was a support was when CHRONICLE(!!!!!!!) was complaining for not getting heals when we had 2 gunners. I somehow failed the class in highschool where cloning was possible, so unfortunately I could only be in one place.

    There is no hate to Chronicle there, and I've unfortunately doubled my efforts in the last couple days to be ABSOLUTELY glued to everybody. Literally, everybody. I found an online course on cloning, and have since found a way to heal everyone at the same time from anywhere at all times.

    Also the reason why we won a private last night with me as a support. We were getting plugged up in the base, I got a lucky 2-fer-1 airstrike right after a 1-kill airstrike. Moved down the right side of the map, healed it up, and that was game.
  6. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    I'd like to do some private games, if anyone wants to add me.
  7. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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  8. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Why didn't you just bump his thread >_>
  9. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    Your a hypocrite Ace, you did nothing but cry and talk ish about me until I plugged my mic in, all of a sudden you had nothing to say. Don't act like you are a cool guy and welcome people because you did nothing but trash talk me for like ten minutes. We had a terrible team already and all you wanted to do was tell everyone how it was my fault. People, if you want to play privates, talk to Chronicle he has a far better understanding of the game and how to present himself. I played one game with Ace and he formed his entire opinion on how I play support through that.
  10. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Turntables I heard you flipped out because you suck at Support in privates.
  11. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  12. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    I flipped out because ace was being a major jerk off, I played one game with him and all of a sudden he knows everything about my support. If you want to hear about my support, try asking someone that has actually played with me.
  13. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Turntables - Good support.
    Happy now?
  14. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I am soooo happy I'm in Europe.
  15. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Screw you Thombow. Give me your fibers.
  16. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Support in pubs is a lot different than privates. TurnTables is a decent pub support. I have played him before. I have never scrimmed him in a private though. The support should get very few kills in a private because people don't get close enough to be shottied.
  17. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    "I DONT ******* HEAL GUNNERS! YOU GUYS ARE SO ******* STUPID!" -Turntables
  18. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Funny how we won that game once you LOLZ ragequit after about 3 of Tom#'s hilarious, "You mess with my team, you gonna be crab fat brudda!" taunts in the spawn room.

    Also funny how, everyone including Tom knows you spazzed out like a 65 year old Vietnam Vet on ADD medications. Spent two games playing against you winning because our gunners were getting healed. Made it on your team and had to play support just so Tom wouldn't die every 2 seconds. You parked in the spawn, sat until you quit, and then we found a way to win. Thanks for playing! Love having the community involved in the forums and in the private matches. Keep contributing, eventually we will all realize how amazing at support you really are. Maybe we're all just crazy or something.
  19. cadco96

    cadco96 New Member

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    I stopped playing this game after my friends stopped because public matches were just boring... I would love to get back into it with some organized gamers. I know a lot about the game, but I am sure that there is plenty more I can learn. Add me! GT: Cadco96

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