Wazupwiop's Turret/bot Offense Support Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, February 9, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Hey everyone,

    I have been playing support off and on since the beginning of my carreer on Monday Night Combat. I am probably not the best support player, but I have some solid strategies that I use to win the game.

    1. Endorsements

    I differ from a lot of other supports because of my choices in endorsements. My personal build is RoF/Skill Recovery/Armor. Just about everyone else uses RoF/Armor/Skill Recovery. As support, you have a slow regen time for most of your secondary abilities. This is why I choose the endorsements that I do. I still have a quick firing shotgun, but I have that extra bit of health to push through bots and pros. Silver skill regen works wonders for your airstrikes and turret-hacking abilities. I encourage you to experiment and see what works best for you.

    2. Upgrades

    I follow the basic upgrade tree for support. Firebase 2 and hack 2 at the start. Typically airstrike and passive come next. When I get the money, I get hack 3. I upgrade myself totally late-game.

    3. Strategy

    I also differ a lot from other support players in the strategy department as well. The support is not as "simple" as other classes. A support cannot kill bots and pros effectively by himself. When I started to play support, I figured out that the support has several different streams of income that need to be harvested in order to be effective. I will go over these as we go along.

    The first source of income is your firebase. It can shoot bots and kill pros remotely while you run around the battlefield accomplishing objectives. Place your firebase in an area that isn't suseptible to ejector uses and where it can shoot bots. If you can, place it so that enemy pros cannot out-range its firing distance. My firebase is a set-it-and-forget-it rescource. I place it somewhere, overheal it, then go push bots. You can camp next to it, but it is rarely a viable option imo.

    The second source of income are your airstrikes. I consider airstrikes to be a source of income because I use them to great extent to kill bots. I like to let the enemy group up in an area, then throw an airstrike or two in the group to destroy bots and pros. If you can place airstrikes properly, you can easily get $30-$60 an airstrike. I like to use airstrikes to displace deployed gunners and tanks, but they can also be used against snipers to a great extent. Airstrikes are also your only real long-range weapon. Use them to stick enemies. I easily get at least one ground-zero each game.

    Your third (and best) source of income are bots and turrets. This is the main part to my strategy. You may be thinking "Turrets and bots as sources of income!?!?!?!?" Longshots and Gapshots are great sources of income for a support player. I like to create gapshots at the beginning of the game. I do this because they are really damaging, and they only cost $100. At the beginning of the game, your team will probably not have taken mid-ground. All it takes is one deranged juiced player to get through your defenses and you lose half of your turrets. This is why I build gapshots. I expect them to die anyway, and they are not as big of a loss as upgraded longshots or rockets.

    Longshots are best mid to late game when your team is easily holding middle ground. Hacked and upgraded longshots will earn you tons of kills, assists, and more cash for upgrades. Sometimes, I like to place a firebase near my turrets to protect them if I am unsure of my team's map control or if we are being pushed back. Each game, I build 3-4 longshots to take down bots and pros from a distance. I typically end the game with somewhere between 8 and 16 kills with 25+ assists and tons of money from my longshots. The enemy team cannot push bots if they are getting constantly rained upon by exploding shells. It is important that you protect the longshots at all costs. I will suicide to protect my turrets.

    4. Combat

    You can build all the longshots, gapshots, and firebases you want, but eventually you are going to have to fight. You won't be able to effectively take down enemies from long range. Short range is really your only choice as support when fighting solo. Your Gold RoF shotgun will kill pros between 2 to 5 shots depending on the class and endorsements. Avoid tanks at close-range though, they will charge and jet gun you to kill you in 3 seconds or less. In fact, you shouldn't be fighting much as support. You should really be supporting your main slayers by healing them at different times throughout the game. If you are going to willingly choose to fight, get as close as you can to the enemy unnoticed and ambush them. If you can get behind them, that works even better. You can also airstrike tanks. As soon as you stick them, run as far away as you can. You should also taunt every time you get a kill early in the game, it will lead to extra cash that will go towards longshots, gapshots, and turrets.

    5. Healing Pros and Turrets

    Healing pros and turrets is such an important part of playing support. By healing turrets, you are protecting the team's investments. By healing players, you are helping your team win by allowing less down-time between their rampages on the enemy base. I will usually stick with a group of pros and push foreward. When they are holding ground and have a good chance of living, I run back to the base and work my turret building/hacking magic. You should heal any friendly pros who cross your path, and you definitely should heal a pro immediately after spawning at the beginning of the game.

    Triage is a french term that refers to giving medical attention to wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Triage groups people into 3 categories, in MNC I group them into 4 categories. The categories are listed in greatest need to least need. Basically you heal flaming pros first, low-health pros next, turrets and high-health pros after that, then bots.

    1. Flaming pros
    2. Low-health pros
    3. Turrets and High-health pros
    4. Bots

    Using this triage strategy has helped my team stay alive and fight effectively.

    6. Money Management

    Your main goal as support is to get fully upgraded by the end game. Here is my typical buying strategy:

    Hack 2, Firebase 2.

    1 gapshot.

    Passive 2, Airstrike 2.

    2 gapshots.

    2.2 longshot.

    Hack 3.

    Upgrade and build more Longshots.

    When you have 3-4 longshots, build gapshots.

    Stop buying gapshots and longshots after 12 minutes. Upgrade yourself all of the way (Go heal your teamates to prepare for OT).

    If game goes into OT, buy more gapshots in overtime or juice the moneyball.

    7. How to push bots effectively.

    Another important part of support is learning how to push and destroy bots. This is accomplished through the use of a firebase, airstrikes, and your passive abilities. I set my firebase in an unexpected area that will weaken the enemy bots before they reach mine. I will shotgun the first group of bots, but as you get closer to the enemy base you will have to fight larger groups of bots. I get rid of these with an airstrike. Your bots will probably be destroyed by the starting rocket turrets or any pros that remain in the base. This is okay. Just keep pushing bots in between building turrets, healing pros, and building gapshots. If you overrun the enemy's base with bots, it will give your team mates a chance to push foreward. If you clear all the bots in one lane, run to the other lane and airstrike the bots there as well.

    8. Enemy Turret-hacking Tactics

    As support, one of your best abilities is to hack enemy turrets with hack 3. If you are lacking juice, try to hack turrets unnoticed. If you have juice, take out enemy pros who are surrounding the turret, then hack. You might die in your escape, but a hacked turret in the enemy base will work wonders.

    9. The secret to the strategy.

    The paragraphs I have written above might seem like a bunch of unrelated crap. In some ways, you might be right. The key to this strategy is that "you can be in multiple places at once." You can destroy bots, push bots, heal pros, take down other pros, destroy turrets, and etc. all at once. Here is why. By mid game, you are pushing your bots and building turrets. You are in 4 places at once because your longshots and gapshots are shooting all the way across the map. For every turret you build or upgrade, you are defending that area. If you have 4 turrets built, you are controlling 5 areas of the map. The areas near your turrets are protected, and you have a zone of control as well. Your firebase is weakening most of the bots in one lane. You, yourself, are running around taking down a few pros and playing objectively. A lot of supports run around with their shotty pulled out trying to take out gunners at long range. By building turrets and using the strategies above, you are playing effectively, and it will show. I am in the top 5 players in almost every game. You get the assist and bot killing money from your turrets, so you will eventually have all the money you need by the time
    the game ends. Other classes can really only be in one place at one time because they aren't as turret-focused as the support. Supports can influence the game from their base, simply by playing effectively with bots and turrets.

    Today, I played a game where I and another support held off a team of 6 until overtime. We had 2 other players on our team who got 0 kills and around 20 deaths each. We lost, but that is beside the point. By building turrets, I controlled several areas on the map at one time. All I had to do was protect my turrets and heal my team mates. It showed in the end because I went positive, and I was 2nd or 3rd overall. This strategy works, it just takes a change in thinking and play style.
  2. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Nice guide. Makes me want to play Support again. I used to play quite a defensive support, but I think that's a flawed tactic. Having now played as gunner with good supports (<3 Zombie Chaos) I realise just what a difference you can make by accompanying your teammates and keeping them overhealed.

    I run RoF/Armour/Skill because the difference between silver and bronze is only about 4 seconds for hack and air strike. Yes you notice it if you're standing waiting for it to recharge, but I was always so busy as a support that I'd rarely be ready for them or even get a chance to use them as soon as they had recharged. The extra survivability of the armour seems like a better overall choice.
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    This playstyle, when used properly, requires really fast regen times. That is why I choose silver skill regen.
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    If you can hack a lvl 2 rocket turret near the enemy spawn doors, they don't stand a chance.
  6. CreepingNshadowz

    CreepingNshadowz New Member

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    Thanks, nice guide.
    Ive recently started playing support more then my previously favored gunner. Will def use some of this suggested strategy :)
  7. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Thanks for the compliment.
  8. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Nice guide. Thanks for distributing some info on an often misused and under appreciated class.

    I hope you don't mind if I add my 2 cents. I usually run RoF (mainly for the faster healing)/armor/skill regen. Lately I've started using Rof/armor/accuracy. Yeah, it takes a while for my skills to regen, but that mainly means I have to be more disciplined with my airstrikes. The bronze accuracy turns your shotgun into a serious weapon. The hit recognition is better, and the RANGE is extended. Have problems with assaults flying just out of range from that last killshot? Not anymore.

    I dont worry much about my k/d, I prefer to win. Just for fun, I started trying this build in some pubs. It took a few matches to realize just how well it worked, but racking up k/d's of 45/3 average for a majority of those matches is a refreshing change of pace. This accuracy support is a beast. Get the lvl 3 passive and you'll shred through groups of frustrated pros.

    Just a suggestion for anyone who might be tiring of the typical support. It will seem a little lame at first, that slow regen is just brutal. Once you embrace the shotty tho, it will shower you with the gibs of your fallen enemies.
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I might have to try that. I find that I have to be really close to get the shotty to work well. I will definitely try your build.
  10. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    You put all my thoughts that I run with as a Support into this page. Nice job.

    The only thing I really need to ask is. Does hacking a long shot REALLY help it any? I mean, maybe I really didn't take into mind that the reason way my long shots stop shooting is because all the targets are out of range, but I never really notice much of a change in the RoF. What are your thoughts on this?
  11. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Hacking the longshot increases its range, and I am almost positive is increases its RoF. Long shots are best put on the nubs farthest away from the enemy base, mostly because you want them protected. In order to keep them shooting, I find it necessary to hack them.
  12. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Hacking a longshot definately increases the fire rate. IMO longshot hacks are a must.

    I hate to keep tacking things on your guide cuz it's a solid guide, but I didn't know where else to put this. Somebody might already be doing this, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere.

    The airstrike grapple. I got pretty good at grappling juicers, mainly assassins, and supports when they come to take out my turrets. It's helpful, wastes a good amount of their juice time and has probably saved quite a few turrets. Lately I've started throwing an airstrike as I go for the grapple. Sure, I end up killing myself, but unless its a juiced tank, I usually get them too. I'm prolly gonna die anyway. It takes a little practice, but im sure it infuriating to the enemy juicer.
  13. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    I like this. This is win. *copies*

    The only downside I can see to this is if the juicer sees the airstrike before you grapple and backs away.
  14. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Half the time I am able to stick an airstrike to a juiced pro's forehead.
  15. KemicalEnigma

    KemicalEnigma New Member

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    Just used this guide and went 13 - 14 - 0 on my first game. THANK YOU FOR THIS. :D
  16. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    hy ive been wanting to ask this question for a LONNNGGGGG time but, what are 2.2 Rockit Turrets and 3.3 Rockit Turrets (etc)?
  17. L3G3ND 09

    L3G3ND 09 New Member

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    a 2.2 rocket turret would be a level 2 rocket with a level 2 hack, whereas a 3.3 rocket would be the best rocket in the game because it is a level 3 rocket with a level 3 hack.
  18. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    Ahhhhh why thankyou good sir!!! So is it better if you hack a turret twice or more?
  19. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    No, only the most recent hack applies. The only time you'd want to hack an already hacked turret would be if it's about to run out or to hack it to a higher level.

    The turret and hack level are displayed as 3.3 or whatever on the turret in-game, with the decimal part showing the hack level. The hack runs out over time which is indicated by how much of the number is still displayed fully solid rather than outlined.
  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    No, u only need to hack it once. The level of the hack ( .1, .2, .3) depends on the level of your hack skill.

    The hack doesnt last forever though. You will need to re-hack a turret once the hack wears off. You can see how much time you have left on a hack by looking at the ".x", as in 3.x. It will slowly lose the fill color, indicating how much time you have left on that hack.

    Also, hacking a turret does NOT give you kills or assists or anything like that. So hacking someone elses 3.3 firebase with your lvl 1 hack does nothing but make you look like a jackass. Hacking is a MUST, be smart about it though.

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