Wazupwiop's Guide to the Fat Egg (aka tank)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, June 30, 2011.

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  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Wazupwiops Guide to the Tank

    Over the last few months, I have been playing tank a lot. I have been working on this guide for some time. With over 1700 jetgun kills, almost 1000 death blossom kills, a five time, several triples, and over 500 charge kills, I feel like it is time that I write a guide.

    1. Endorsements
    If you are going to play as tank, you have a few options as far as endorsements go. You can play armorless or armored. The main endorsements to consider are RoF, Skill Recovery, Armor, and Accuracy. Here are the builds that I use:

    RoF/Armor/Skill or Accuracy It is a good, well-rounded build. Choose accuracy if you use your railgun a lot, choose skill if you get into close combat. Accuracy is much better on maps like Steel Peel and Grenade 3 where a lot of open long-range combat is going to occur.

    RoF/Accuracy/Skill -- I like this build a lot for long range combat. Your product grenade and jet gun destroy bots and pros at long range, and your charge three takes care of anyone who gets close. Stay at long range with this build. You may be a tank, but without an armor endorsement you have about as much armor as the average assault.

    Armor/RoF/Skill -- This is my favorite build. It makes me really powerful. I can get around the map, pester the enemy with my railgun, and survive close quarters combat. I give up a little RoF with the railgun, but I gain the survivability that I depend on for most situations.

    2. Weapons
    Tank weaponry is pretty much self explanatory. The jetgun goes 10 feet in front of your pro and lights enemies on fire, it has a good amount of damage. The alt. fire is the death blossom.

    The railgun is basically a sniper rifle, its alternate fire is a grapple that throws the victim. Your charge knocks the enemy back, and it will stun them when it is upgraded to 3.

    The product grenade blinds the enemy and releases little grenades at level three. It is good against snipers.

    3. Tactics
    You can get in close or stay long range against different classes and enemies, different tactics should be used.

    Tank vs. Tank
    When fighting another tank, you should probably get in close and go for a railgun grapple or for a charge 3 combined with a product grenade and death blossom. If you try to go long-range, your battle will take forever, and your enemy will probably escape.

    Tank vs. Support
    Supports are pretty easy to take down if you know what you are doing. They have no long range weapons, and you will easily roll them over with charge 3 if they get in close. Look out for firebases and airstrikes. If you meet a firebase, blind it and take it down.

    Tank vs. Assault
    Assaults are best countered at close range. You can charge three and death blossom to kill them. If you are met at mid-range by a good assault, you should charge toward or away from him. Staying at mid-range will get you killed. At long range, you can take an assault down with your rail gun and product grenades. Your charge beats their charge anyday, use that to your advantage.

    Tank vs. Gunner
    Gunners are HUGE. Your railgun and product grenades are his worst nightmare. You can take these guys down way too easily at long range. Avoid mid-range fights when possible. You can charge 3 and light him up with your jet gun at close range. Dont death blossom, an armored gunner will survive and will turn around and fill your big body with lead.

    Tank vs. Assassin
    If an assassin is stupid enough to get in close to fight you, they deserve to die. Death blossom and charge, that is all you need to know.

    Tank vs. Sniper
    Sneak behind these starved, skinny dudes. They wont last long against your jetgun. If you have to take them down at long range, get your railgun out and product grenade them in the face. A sniper cant do anything if they cannot see.

    4. Juice
    The tank is really powerful when juiced. He kills pros easily, and really puts a hurtin on enemy turrets and firebases. I will first talk about obtaining juice, then Ill talk about using juice.
    The tanks juice rate is REALLY REALLY slow. Your death blossom and rail gun dont have a good juice rate. Your product grenade, melee, and straight jet gun are your best bet to gain juice. Try not to die, if you do, you lose your juice.
    Towards the end of the game, you are probably going to have to buy juice because your assassin should be on bot duty, and the enemy pros should be controlled by turrets, the gunner, and the assault. Your job at the end of the game is to kill any pros or bots that get past your assault and gunners.
    When you use juice, your first priority is to take down enemy turrets. After those are down, kill a pro or two and leave. You still want to be juiced when you are leaving the enemy base. When I leave the enemy base, I charge away and turn around while shooting juiced rail gun shots at the enemies following me. I get back to the safety of my team mates and heal up.
    Sometimes, you will have to slay pros as a tank. This may happen because the enemy is pushing out of their base, or your assault and gunner are not doing their job. Juice is a good way to clear an area. Your juiced death blossom will kill most enemies in one hit. A juiced railgun is also really powerful against larger targets like gunners and enemy tanks. If a large amount of opposition is in a small area like the dome on Ammo Mule, use your death blossom to take them down.

    5. Your Job
    The tanks job is to be a lane pusher. You should push all bots and pros in your lane back into their base. I will typically work my way down a lane, killing everything in my path.
    You are also a turret destroyer. You take down turrets faster than an assassin.
    You are an area denier. Many people back away from a tank. You arent a person to be crossed lightly.
    You are the best counter to the assassin. With Silver armor and Passive 2, you can take a backstab. With gold armor and passive 3, you can take a backstab with 40% health remaining.
    You are the secondary bot killer. If/when your assassin fails, you make up for it.
    You are a damage soak. If an enemy is about to die, jump in between them and the bullets to give them a chance to get away.
    You are a secondary sniper. Your railgun is amazingly powerful in the right hands.
    You have area-affect damage. Your railgun will collateral all enemies in its reticule, and your death blossom will clear out a large area.

    6. The end
    There is nothing new in this guide. I am just tired of watching newer players trying to play tank, but they give up and go back to the assault. Hopefully this guide will help some of you newer players master the tank. I have not talked about any advanced tactics with the tank, but hopefully this will help you on your way to railgun mastery.
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Yep. The only critique I have about this guide is that I wish you would have put this in the opening paragraph and not the closing one.
  4. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Dude, if you wanna pad your posts, you can go write 'post' in offtopic. now i gotta go bump the good tank guides for the good of new players.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Please don't troll and/or derail the guides.
    Thank You.
  6. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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  7. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Sometimes people need to hear the obvious. I have seen too many tanks come up to me as an assault that try to kill me. They usually get headcrabbed, and I get hatemail. Tanks are meant to take down bots and turrets, then to kill any pros who try to stop them. It is a simple as that and people don't get it.

    There are a few ways to play tank, and I listed them. I even gave the endorsement builds for those playstyles. I could have restated Shammas's "claw the enemy with the railgun and taunt". Instead, I talked about different playstyles, which makes my guide unique.
  8. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Good luck with that.......
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    It has worked against you before, Wildman, lol. That one private where me, you, and Aries were tanks, I rung you both out more than once.
  10. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    LOLwut? When was this?

    Just remember that you are telling new people to try to sneak up on a tank, but instead of killing them, grapple them, which is very risky and probably won't kill you. I normally hover as the tank all the time (so assasins have an even harder time to kill me), so what makes you think that a tank can pull this off? Play against some good tanks and tell me how this works out :lol:

    Charge 3, product grenade and Jet/Rail gun > Grapple
  11. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Wildman you don't have to be so serious all the damn time. Fricken chill.
  12. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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  13. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Just sayin if he wants to write a serious guide to help people, don't write things that'll hinder them

    no u
  14. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    what the hell :lol:
  15. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    That is hilarious, I couldn't quit laughing.
  16. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    lol you missed me attempting to do an emu riot. I'm amazed I wasn't banned (thanks to Col_Jessup for having mercy on my poor soul).
  17. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    How I view all of Wazupwiop's posts-
  18. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Baha I actually lol'd.
    Last edited: July 6, 2011
  19. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    That is pretty funny, lol. But seriously, QUIT TROLLING MY THREAD!!!
  20. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I realize I am hypocrite for doing this Wildman, but wazup is pissing me off.

    You cannot be serious. Why are you so infuriatingly stupid? YOU MADE A GUIDE WITH NO NEW MATERIAL. And you justified it by posting that:

    Of all of the guides that you have made, this may be the worst for the simple statement that I quoted in the first reply...

    I wish Thombow would actually bump the other Tank guides, because seriously, all of these guides do seem like one big post padding attempt. Sure, it may be fun for you to sit down at your computer, thinking up countless strategies for a video game, but it's so old and you don't get the hint. Granted, you are like 13 or something. Even better. You can stop this early before it gets any worse, or it starts to relay to real life. Just stop with the long posts actually analyzing the depth of this game. It may have been acceptable in September of last year, but not now. And if someone still needs to discuss the mechanics, meta-game, or make a new guide, I pray it not be you.
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