It need a geforce 580 to compute an aquarium. Sure, let's do that on a planet! Joke aside, the water look really nice. Even if it weren't for the simulation.
Fluid simulation is always absurdly expensive on computer resources. You won't see much more than a few simple rules.
I don't want any rabbits coming out of the water in PA are you mad... It would also require about 90% of processing power to render such a thing :mrgreen:
Yah, very pretty stuff, but.. even if GPU/CPU power wasn't a concern, systems like this usually take time to implement, and I just don't see how it makes an RTS more fun.
TSU NA MI :mrgreen: It would be interesting for dropping rocks from space into water. And perhaps for filling craters with water from other bodies. (Or make a map with a preset water power energy producing building and a huge dam. Destroy the dam and, floooding! (But yeah, mostly it would look great.)
While full fluid simulation is obviously too much I think it's nice when games have cosmetic fluid dynamics on ships and ponds and whatnot. You know, ripples and waves and such in response to wading/sailing/explosions etc. Purely cosmetic. But it makes the water really feel alive. It's also quite cheap since simulating ripples in a flat surface is much easier than simulating the volume of the water. I mean we've seen surface fluid dynamics in games for over 10 years now.
I know that fluid simulation would not be part of this game, hence the smiley in the topic start.. But it is a damn great achievement being able to simulate fluid..
So... you posted in here just to talk about the great achievement and not actually about PA? Can a moderator move this thread to Off-Topic please?
Might just be textures that make it look like tidal waves? SupCom looked like 3D but infact it was just flat.