Is anyone playing it? It's a big mindless, but it's a 3rd person shooter with some RPG elements in it, and it's kinda fun, from what little I have played. I know it's in beta, and you can download from warframe[dot]com, if you're interested. Pretty sweet looking, too.
I've played it. The movement is the only part I really like and think makes it sorta stand out. Playing it with friends softens the blow a lot for the parts I consider boring.
I..kinda play it, been some days, best thing in the game---> sprint-->jump--> crouch = Epic dive kick, I did that ALL the time.
Was given a beta invite long ago, never redeemed it At the time my rig wasn't powerful enough, then it became "I have enough games as it is"
I play it but I have no intention on paying for it, they charge too much for their currency to items. They also gave me too much free platinum to buy all the low cost thins I would buy anyway